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Exposition "Boilly : Scenes of Parisian Life", National Gallery (Londres)

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Boilly - Exposition "Boilly : Scenes of Parisian Life", National Gallery (Londres) Empty Exposition "Boilly : Scenes of Parisian Life", National Gallery (Londres)

Message par La nuit, la neige Mer 13 Fév 2019, 10:14

Nous avons hâte de découvrir la vingtaine d'oeuvres inédites qui seront prochainement présentées lors de cette exposition :

Boilly: Scenes of Parisian Life

Du 28 février au 29 mai 2019
National Gallery, Londres

Boilly - Exposition "Boilly : Scenes of Parisian Life", National Gallery (Londres) Boilly10

Présentation :

Explore revolutionary Paris through Boilly’s daring and playful paintings

Working in a politically turbulent Paris, Louis-Léopold Boilly witnessed the French Revolution, the rise and fall of Napoleon, and the Restoration of the French Monarchy.

From controversially seductive interior scenes, which saw him get into trouble with the authorities, to ‘first-of-their-kind’ everyday street scenes and clever trompe l’oeils, this exhibition shows Boilly’s daring responses to the changing political environment and art market he encountered, and highlights his sharp powers of observation and wry sense of humour.

Focusing on 20 works from a British private collection never previously displayed or published, this exhibition – the first of its kind in the UK – celebrates an artist who is little known in Britain and provides unparalleled context for our Boilly, "A Girl at a Window" *

* Une sublime huile sur toile que nous présentions ici :

Boilly - Exposition "Boilly : Scenes of Parisian Life", National Gallery (Londres) Portra11
Louis-Lépold Boilly - A girl at a window (after 1799)
© 2016 The National Gallery, Trafalgar Square

Boilly - Exposition "Boilly : Scenes of Parisian Life", National Gallery (Londres) Boilly10
© 2016 The National Gallery, Trafalgar Square

Boilly - Exposition "Boilly : Scenes of Parisian Life", National Gallery (Londres) Captur33
© 2016 The National Gallery, Trafalgar Square

Arrow Infos complémentaires au sujet de l'exposition : The National Gallery - Boilly Scenes of Parisian Life

Idea Le catalogue de l'exposition :

Boilly: Scenes of Parisian Life Catalogue
Francesca Whitlum-Cooper
Editions The National Gallery Company Ltd (2019)
96 pages, 40 illustrations

Boilly - Exposition "Boilly : Scenes of Parisian Life", National Gallery (Londres) 10472111

Présentation :

The first English publication on Boilly in 25 years, shedding new light on this fascinating artist. Accompanies the exhibition at the National Gallery, London, 28 February – 19 May 2019.

Louis-Léopold Boilly (1761–1845) lived a long life in the most turbulent times.
From 1785 he spent half a century at the heart of the Parisian art world, throughout the turmoil of the Revolution, the rise and fall of Napoleon and the restoration of the monarchy.

This first English-language publication on Boilly in over twenty years brings together portraiture, interiors on the theme of seduction and vivid and groundbreaking scenes of raucous Parisian street life.
The majority of these pictures have never been published before.

The book introduces readers to Boilly's richly detailed paintings and drawings, emphasising his technical brilliance, his acute powers of observation and his wry sense of humour, and illustrates Boilly's daring responses to France's changing political environment and burgeoning art market. It offers an alternative to the accepted view of Revolutionary French art as the purview of grand history painters such as Jacques-Louis David.
Boilly popularised trompe l’oeil paintings – he invented the term – and by depicting daily life on the streets of Paris for the very first time, he turned the accepted hierarchies of art on their head.
La nuit, la neige
La nuit, la neige

Messages : 18008
Date d'inscription : 21/12/2013

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Boilly - Exposition "Boilly : Scenes of Parisian Life", National Gallery (Londres) Empty Re: Exposition "Boilly : Scenes of Parisian Life", National Gallery (Londres)

Message par Gouverneur Morris Dim 24 Mar 2019, 00:37

En attendant de pouvoir, j’espère, me rendre à l’expo, voici ce que j’ai vu à la TEFAF :

Boilly - Exposition "Boilly : Scenes of Parisian Life", National Gallery (Londres) 7a64ab10

Boilly - Exposition "Boilly : Scenes of Parisian Life", National Gallery (Londres) Fb624c10

Boilly - Exposition "Boilly : Scenes of Parisian Life", National Gallery (Londres) C9b00010

Boilly - Exposition "Boilly : Scenes of Parisian Life", National Gallery (Londres) 17e58e10

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Gouverneur Morris
Gouverneur Morris

Messages : 11596
Date d'inscription : 21/12/2013

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