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Exposition "Style & Society: Dressing the Georgians" - The Queen’s Gallery, Buckingham Palace (London)

2 participants

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Exposition "Style & Society: Dressing the Georgians" - The Queen’s Gallery, Buckingham Palace (London) Empty Exposition "Style & Society: Dressing the Georgians" - The Queen’s Gallery, Buckingham Palace (London)

Message par CLIOXVIII Mar 17 Jan 2023, 10:47

Exposition "Style & Society: Dressing the Georgians" - The Queen’s Gallery, Buckingham Palace (London) 32598210

Royal Collection Trust
oeptonSdsr15c4874hg7u094ha72c64a31fu024gg6gfim31h3l u4h0ta83  ·
👉 Just announced: ‘Style & Society: Dressing the Georgians’ is our next major exhibition opening at The Queen’s Gallery, Buckingham Palace, 21 April – 8 October.
From the practical dress of laundry maids, to the glittering gowns of Queen Charlotte's court, find out what fashions of the day reveal about 18th-century life. See over 200 works from the Royal Collection by artists including Gainsborough, Zoffany and Hogarth, as well as rare surviving examples of clothing and accessories. Book now: https://bit.ly/3IQwhXz

En espérant que cette fois ci, pas un doublon...
Et le tableau en entier "St Jame's park end the Mall  ; des détails ++++
Exposition "Style & Society: Dressing the Georgians" - The Queen’s Gallery, Buckingham Palace (London) St_jam10

Messages : 2852
Date d'inscription : 22/12/2013
Localisation : Paris, Venise, Bath....


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Exposition "Style & Society: Dressing the Georgians" - The Queen’s Gallery, Buckingham Palace (London) Empty Re: Exposition "Style & Society: Dressing the Georgians" - The Queen’s Gallery, Buckingham Palace (London)

Message par CLIOXVIII Mar 17 Jan 2023, 10:54

Photos invisibles..... C'est la première fois que je n'y parviens pas .... Help !
Exposition "Style & Society: Dressing the Georgians" - The Queen’s Gallery, Buckingham Palace (London) 32598211

Exposition "Style & Society: Dressing the Georgians" - The Queen’s Gallery, Buckingham Palace (London) St_jam11

Messages : 2852
Date d'inscription : 22/12/2013
Localisation : Paris, Venise, Bath....


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Exposition "Style & Society: Dressing the Georgians" - The Queen’s Gallery, Buckingham Palace (London) Empty Re: Exposition "Style & Society: Dressing the Georgians" - The Queen’s Gallery, Buckingham Palace (London)

Message par CLIOXVIII Mar 17 Jan 2023, 10:57

Miracle ! Exposition "Style & Society: Dressing the Georgians" - The Queen’s Gallery, Buckingham Palace (London) 1123740815

Messages : 2852
Date d'inscription : 22/12/2013
Localisation : Paris, Venise, Bath....


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Exposition "Style & Society: Dressing the Georgians" - The Queen’s Gallery, Buckingham Palace (London) Empty Re: Exposition "Style & Society: Dressing the Georgians" - The Queen’s Gallery, Buckingham Palace (London)

Message par Mme de Sabran Mar 17 Jan 2023, 12:22

Qu'est-ce que c'est que cette gourgandine, au premier plan, qui montre jusqu'à son genou ?!! affraid

...    demain est un autre jour .
Mme de Sabran
Mme de Sabran

Messages : 55309
Date d'inscription : 21/12/2013
Localisation : l'Ouest sauvage

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Exposition "Style & Society: Dressing the Georgians" - The Queen’s Gallery, Buckingham Palace (London) Empty Re: Exposition "Style & Society: Dressing the Georgians" - The Queen’s Gallery, Buckingham Palace (London)

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