Ventes aux enchères (année 2022)
Vicq d Azir
Bonnefoy du Plan
Duc d'Ostrogothie
Mr de Talaru
Gouverneur Morris
Mme de Sabran
10 participants
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Gouverneur Morris- Messages : 11884
Date d'inscription : 21/12/2013
Gouverneur Morris- Messages : 11884
Date d'inscription : 21/12/2013
Re: Ventes aux enchères (année 2022)
Merci, mon cher Momo, que tu nous gâtes !
Juste ci-dessus, voici une horloge comtoise qui ne déparerait pas dans le mausolée de Moulay Ismaïl !!! ... pas comme ces quatre grosses caisses rustiques offertes par Louis XIV ...
Juste ci-dessus, voici une horloge comtoise qui ne déparerait pas dans le mausolée de Moulay Ismaïl !!! ... pas comme ces quatre grosses caisses rustiques offertes par Louis XIV ...
... demain est un autre jour .
Mme de Sabran- Messages : 55755
Date d'inscription : 21/12/2013
Localisation : l'Ouest sauvage
Re: Ventes aux enchères (année 2022)
En effet ! On ne mégote pas sur les moyens chez Christie's...Gouverneur Morris a écrit:La suite. La scénographie est impressionnante, on a même installé une tente dans le jardin pour augmenter la surface d'exposition !
La reconstitution des intérieurs parisiens et campagnards du collectionneur est bluffante !!!!
Merci beaucoup d'avoir pris le temps de poster ici toutes ces images ! En exclusivité...
La nuit, la neige- Messages : 18192
Date d'inscription : 21/12/2013
Vente de la collection Bernard Tapie, Hôtel de Cavoye (Paris)
Voici annoncée la vente aux enchères de la collection " Bernard Tapie, Hôtel de Cavoye " (rue des Saints-Pères, Paris).
Le 6 Juillet 2022, à 14h30
L'Atelier Richelieu, 60 rue de Richelieu Paris 2e
Il s'agit d'une vente judiciaire aux enchères publiques. Raison pour laquelle les frais pour les acquéreurs sont moins élevés que pour des ventes volontaires (ici + 14,28% TTC au lieu des 30% habituels).
Je suis très surpris de découvrir que son hôtel particulier était décoré de façon "grand décors classiques", je m'attendais à une décoration bien plus moderne, voire contemporaine...
Bref ! Nous aurons peut-être l'occasion de présenter quelques pièces ici ou dans nos divers sujets. Les images mises en ligne ne sont pas de très bonne qualité de résolution...
Voici des extraits du catalogue qui évoque la décoration de l'hôtel particulier ainsi que les meubles et objets mis en vente :
* Source et infos complémentaires : Artus Enchères - Vente Collection Bernard Tapie (Paris, 6 juillet 22)
Le 6 Juillet 2022, à 14h30
L'Atelier Richelieu, 60 rue de Richelieu Paris 2e
Il s'agit d'une vente judiciaire aux enchères publiques. Raison pour laquelle les frais pour les acquéreurs sont moins élevés que pour des ventes volontaires (ici + 14,28% TTC au lieu des 30% habituels).
Je suis très surpris de découvrir que son hôtel particulier était décoré de façon "grand décors classiques", je m'attendais à une décoration bien plus moderne, voire contemporaine...
Bref ! Nous aurons peut-être l'occasion de présenter quelques pièces ici ou dans nos divers sujets. Les images mises en ligne ne sont pas de très bonne qualité de résolution...
Voici des extraits du catalogue qui évoque la décoration de l'hôtel particulier ainsi que les meubles et objets mis en vente :
* Source et infos complémentaires : Artus Enchères - Vente Collection Bernard Tapie (Paris, 6 juillet 22)
La nuit, la neige- Messages : 18192
Date d'inscription : 21/12/2013
Re: Ventes aux enchères (année 2022)
La nuit, la neige a écrit:
Je suis très surpris de découvrir que son hôtel particulier était décoré de façon "grand décors classiques", je m'attendais à une décoration bien plus moderne, voire contemporaine...
J'en suis tout aussi étonnée que toi.
Comme quoi Bernard Tapie était aussi un homme de goût ! L'hôtel de Cavoye est magnifique ( et encore, nous ne voyons pas le jardin, nous ne pouvons que le fantasmer ), et rue des Saints Pères, s'il vous plaît !
Je n'aimais pas plus que ça Bernard Tapie du temps de sa superbe, mais son courage devant la maladie et la mort m'ont très vivement impressionnée.
... demain est un autre jour .
Mme de Sabran- Messages : 55755
Date d'inscription : 21/12/2013
Localisation : l'Ouest sauvage
Re: Ventes aux enchères (année 2022)
Le catalogue de vente, avec son sous-titre « une passion française », semble se vouloir la réplique infamante du dithyrambique magazine hors-série de l’Objet d’Art paru il y a 30 ans et consacré à l’homme et sa collection.
Sic transit gloria mundi…
Sic transit gloria mundi…
Dernière édition par Gouverneur Morris le Jeu 16 Juin 2022, 15:16, édité 1 fois
Gouverneur Morris- Messages : 11884
Date d'inscription : 21/12/2013
Re: Ventes aux enchères (année 2022)
C'est souvent la "formule d'usage" pour toute collection d'origine française mise en vente...
La nuit, la neige- Messages : 18192
Date d'inscription : 21/12/2013
Re: Ventes aux enchères (année 2022)
Dernière édition par Gouverneur Morris le Jeu 16 Juin 2022, 16:38, édité 1 fois
Gouverneur Morris- Messages : 11884
Date d'inscription : 21/12/2013
Re: Ventes aux enchères (année 2022)
Nous ne jetterons plus les nôtres !
C'est très réussi, très joli .
... demain est un autre jour .
Mme de Sabran- Messages : 55755
Date d'inscription : 21/12/2013
Localisation : l'Ouest sauvage
Re: Ventes aux enchères (année 2022)
Prochainement proposées en vente aux enchères, ces rares...
Each rectangular leaftip-moulded backplate depicting a winged putto with one arm raised, surrounded by foliate garlands of flowers including daisies and roses, supporting a cassollette of classical design mounted with a portrait medallion of Louis XVI and Marie-Antoinette respectively beneath a closed crown headed by a fleur-de-lys and issuing lily and laurel-branches with three candle nozzles, drilled for electricity
30 1⁄2 in. (77.5 cm.) high; 16 in. (41 cm.) wide
Almost certainly supplied circa 1785 for one of the French Royal residences.
The Property of the Estate of Belle Linsky', Sotheby's, New York, 21 May 1988, lot 86 (for the wall-light with Marie-Antoinette's portrait) ; Swiss Private Collection.
Lot Essay
With their finely-chased foliate surround, contrasting two-tone gilding and prominent repoussé figures of cherubs, these remarkable wall-lights relate to the oeuvre of the celebrated ciseleur-doreur Pierre Gouthière (1732-c.1813). The presence of portrait medallions of Queen Marie-Antoinette and King Louis XVI under closed crowns indicate they were almost certainly delivered for one of the French Royal residences.
A remarkable decorative repertoire
The backplates of the present wall-lights are centred by classically-draped winged putti, each modelled with one arm raised above his head, the other holding the drapery. They echo a remarkable design by Giovanni Battista Piranesi (1720-1778) featuring a related figure holding aloft a wreathed clock case, above a chimneypiece. This 'Etruscan' design was produced in Rome in 1769 for a chimney piece executed for John Hope (reproduced in J. Wilton-Ely, Giovanni Battista Piranesi, the Complete Etchings, vol. II, San Francisco, 1994, p. 896, fig. 823).
The naturalistic lily branches issuing from the figural plaques relate closely to those on plaster models of candelabra exhibited by Etienne-Maurice Falconet (1716-1791), director of the sculpture studio at Sèvres from 1759 to 1766, at the Salon du Louvre in 1761. Intended to be cast in silver, the plaster models were based on an earlier drawing depicting draped nymphs by Gabriel de Saint-Aubin (ill. H. Ottomeyer, P. Pröschel, et al., Vergoldete Bronzen, Munich, 1986, vol. I, p. 254, fig. 4.7.1).
Pierre Gouthiere's technical prowess
Several of the techniques employed to execute the present wall-lights demonstrate Pierre Gouthière's training as a silversmith. The winged putti were worked in repoussé, which allowed for greater precision and freedom in modelling. Furthermore, silver soldering was used, again indicating the training of a silversmith for whom this would have been common practice.
Very characteristic and specific to the oeuvre of Gouthière is the technique and finish known as the dorure au mat. 'The process involves coating the gilt bronze with a mixture of salts, called 'le mat' and heating it continuously above a fire. [...] The coating is thus removed from the gilt bronze pieces and, after being plunged in cold water, these appear matte. One can then burnish certain areas using brunissoirs' (Jacques Robiquet, Gouthière, sa vie - son oeuvre, Paris, 1912, p. 87).
The extremely refined and precise modelling of the floral garlands could be seen as another indication of Gouthiere’s involvement. They relate closely to mounts he produced for a chimneypiece commissioned for the salon of Madame du Barry at Fontainebleau in 1772 which was subsequently moved to the King’s library at Versailles in 1774 (illustrated in C. Vignon and C. Baulez, Pierre Gouthière, ciseleur-doreur du roi, 2017, cat. 28, fig. 64, p. 124).
They are also strongly reminiscent of the mounts used to enrich mahogany pieces of furniture by Jean-Henri Riesener, delivered to Queen Marie Antoinette at Versailles. Although recent studies show that these are more likely to have been made by his contemporary François Rémond (see H. Jacobsen, ‘La postérité de Gouthière: les collectionneurs anglaise au XIXe siècle’, op.cit, 2017, p.144).
Recorded examples of this model
Of this rare Royal model, only eight examples are known to exist. Some retain the portraits of Marie-Antoinette and Louis XVI (such as the present pair) confirming them as Royal commissions. These are:
- A pair in the Samuel H. Kress Collection (C.C. Dauterman,, Decorative Art from the Samuel H. Kress Collection at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Aylesbury, 1964, pp. 277-9, cat. no. 69a-b, figs. 235-6). The latter pair is possibly that exhibited in Three French Reigns, Louis XIV, XV and XVI, Loan Exhibition in aid of the Royal Northern Hospital at 25 Park Lane [residence of Sir Philip Sassoon], 21 February - 5 April 1933, no. 540, where described as 'Two Appliques in Ormolu, Gouthière, Lent by Lord Duveen' (Princesse Bibesco, 'Trois Règnes, Louis XIV, Louis XV, Louis XVI', in La Renaissance, vol. 16, no. 6, June 1933, p. 121).
- A further pair, formerly in the collection of the Baronne Edouard de Rothschild, Paris, is illustrated in F. Morton, 'The House of Rothschild' in Holiday, vol. 30, no. 3, September 1961, p. 37.
- A further set of four was sold from the Collection of the Late Robert Goelet, Champ Soleil, Newport, Rhode Island, Parke Bernet Galleries, New York, 13-15 October 1966, lot 390. It is unclear which other two wall-lights were sold as part of this set and whether they included any of the above recorded examples or constitute a further, unrecorded, pair. Given that the 1966 catalogue does not note the existence of portrait medallions on the unillustrated wall-lights, the other pair could well be that sold by the Linskys at Sotheby's, New York, 21 May 1985, lot 161. A pair pobably part of this set was subsequently in the collection of Djahanguir Riahi at Christie's, London, 6 December 2012, lot 4 (133,250 GBP).
All four examples show redundant holes to the frieze, which indicate that they were originally fitted with the medallions, most probably removed during the Revolution.
A pair of Louis XVI ormolu three-branch wall-lights
Attributed to Pierre Gouthiere, circa 1785
Vente collection de M. et Mme Riahi (Christie's 2012)
Image et infos complémentaires : Christie's
* Source et infos complémentaires : Christie's London - The Exceptional Sale (7 July 2022)
Each rectangular leaftip-moulded backplate depicting a winged putto with one arm raised, surrounded by foliate garlands of flowers including daisies and roses, supporting a cassollette of classical design mounted with a portrait medallion of Louis XVI and Marie-Antoinette respectively beneath a closed crown headed by a fleur-de-lys and issuing lily and laurel-branches with three candle nozzles, drilled for electricity
30 1⁄2 in. (77.5 cm.) high; 16 in. (41 cm.) wide
Almost certainly supplied circa 1785 for one of the French Royal residences.
The Property of the Estate of Belle Linsky', Sotheby's, New York, 21 May 1988, lot 86 (for the wall-light with Marie-Antoinette's portrait) ; Swiss Private Collection.
Lot Essay
With their finely-chased foliate surround, contrasting two-tone gilding and prominent repoussé figures of cherubs, these remarkable wall-lights relate to the oeuvre of the celebrated ciseleur-doreur Pierre Gouthière (1732-c.1813). The presence of portrait medallions of Queen Marie-Antoinette and King Louis XVI under closed crowns indicate they were almost certainly delivered for one of the French Royal residences.
A remarkable decorative repertoire
The backplates of the present wall-lights are centred by classically-draped winged putti, each modelled with one arm raised above his head, the other holding the drapery. They echo a remarkable design by Giovanni Battista Piranesi (1720-1778) featuring a related figure holding aloft a wreathed clock case, above a chimneypiece. This 'Etruscan' design was produced in Rome in 1769 for a chimney piece executed for John Hope (reproduced in J. Wilton-Ely, Giovanni Battista Piranesi, the Complete Etchings, vol. II, San Francisco, 1994, p. 896, fig. 823).
The naturalistic lily branches issuing from the figural plaques relate closely to those on plaster models of candelabra exhibited by Etienne-Maurice Falconet (1716-1791), director of the sculpture studio at Sèvres from 1759 to 1766, at the Salon du Louvre in 1761. Intended to be cast in silver, the plaster models were based on an earlier drawing depicting draped nymphs by Gabriel de Saint-Aubin (ill. H. Ottomeyer, P. Pröschel, et al., Vergoldete Bronzen, Munich, 1986, vol. I, p. 254, fig. 4.7.1).
Pierre Gouthiere's technical prowess
Several of the techniques employed to execute the present wall-lights demonstrate Pierre Gouthière's training as a silversmith. The winged putti were worked in repoussé, which allowed for greater precision and freedom in modelling. Furthermore, silver soldering was used, again indicating the training of a silversmith for whom this would have been common practice.
Very characteristic and specific to the oeuvre of Gouthière is the technique and finish known as the dorure au mat. 'The process involves coating the gilt bronze with a mixture of salts, called 'le mat' and heating it continuously above a fire. [...] The coating is thus removed from the gilt bronze pieces and, after being plunged in cold water, these appear matte. One can then burnish certain areas using brunissoirs' (Jacques Robiquet, Gouthière, sa vie - son oeuvre, Paris, 1912, p. 87).
The extremely refined and precise modelling of the floral garlands could be seen as another indication of Gouthiere’s involvement. They relate closely to mounts he produced for a chimneypiece commissioned for the salon of Madame du Barry at Fontainebleau in 1772 which was subsequently moved to the King’s library at Versailles in 1774 (illustrated in C. Vignon and C. Baulez, Pierre Gouthière, ciseleur-doreur du roi, 2017, cat. 28, fig. 64, p. 124).
They are also strongly reminiscent of the mounts used to enrich mahogany pieces of furniture by Jean-Henri Riesener, delivered to Queen Marie Antoinette at Versailles. Although recent studies show that these are more likely to have been made by his contemporary François Rémond (see H. Jacobsen, ‘La postérité de Gouthière: les collectionneurs anglaise au XIXe siècle’, op.cit, 2017, p.144).
Recorded examples of this model
Of this rare Royal model, only eight examples are known to exist. Some retain the portraits of Marie-Antoinette and Louis XVI (such as the present pair) confirming them as Royal commissions. These are:
- A pair in the Samuel H. Kress Collection (C.C. Dauterman,, Decorative Art from the Samuel H. Kress Collection at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Aylesbury, 1964, pp. 277-9, cat. no. 69a-b, figs. 235-6). The latter pair is possibly that exhibited in Three French Reigns, Louis XIV, XV and XVI, Loan Exhibition in aid of the Royal Northern Hospital at 25 Park Lane [residence of Sir Philip Sassoon], 21 February - 5 April 1933, no. 540, where described as 'Two Appliques in Ormolu, Gouthière, Lent by Lord Duveen' (Princesse Bibesco, 'Trois Règnes, Louis XIV, Louis XV, Louis XVI', in La Renaissance, vol. 16, no. 6, June 1933, p. 121).
- A further pair, formerly in the collection of the Baronne Edouard de Rothschild, Paris, is illustrated in F. Morton, 'The House of Rothschild' in Holiday, vol. 30, no. 3, September 1961, p. 37.
- A further set of four was sold from the Collection of the Late Robert Goelet, Champ Soleil, Newport, Rhode Island, Parke Bernet Galleries, New York, 13-15 October 1966, lot 390. It is unclear which other two wall-lights were sold as part of this set and whether they included any of the above recorded examples or constitute a further, unrecorded, pair. Given that the 1966 catalogue does not note the existence of portrait medallions on the unillustrated wall-lights, the other pair could well be that sold by the Linskys at Sotheby's, New York, 21 May 1985, lot 161. A pair pobably part of this set was subsequently in the collection of Djahanguir Riahi at Christie's, London, 6 December 2012, lot 4 (133,250 GBP).
All four examples show redundant holes to the frieze, which indicate that they were originally fitted with the medallions, most probably removed during the Revolution.
A pair of Louis XVI ormolu three-branch wall-lights
Attributed to Pierre Gouthiere, circa 1785
Vente collection de M. et Mme Riahi (Christie's 2012)
Image et infos complémentaires : Christie's
* Source et infos complémentaires : Christie's London - The Exceptional Sale (7 July 2022)
La nuit, la neige- Messages : 18192
Date d'inscription : 21/12/2013
Gouverneur Morris- Messages : 11884
Date d'inscription : 21/12/2013
Gouverneur Morris- Messages : 11884
Date d'inscription : 21/12/2013
Re: Ventes aux enchères (année 2022)
Superbes !!! Ils sont magnifiquement travaillés !
Merci, mon cher Momo.
Merci, mon cher Momo.
... demain est un autre jour .
Mme de Sabran- Messages : 55755
Date d'inscription : 21/12/2013
Localisation : l'Ouest sauvage
Re: Ventes aux enchères (année 2022)
Les ployants ont été préemptés ce jour par le château des Versailles pour 214 000 euros 🥳
Gouverneur Morris- Messages : 11884
Date d'inscription : 21/12/2013
Re: Ventes aux enchères (année 2022)
Amusant !!
Prochainement présenté en vente aux enchères et décrit comme...
Les adieux de Louis XVI à Marie-Antoinette
Ecole française dans le style du XVIIIe siècle
Huile sur panneau parqueté
34,4 x 26 cm
* Source et infos complémentaires : Azur enchères Cannes - Vente du 27 juillet 2022
Bien évidemment, il ne s'agit nullement de Louis XVI et Marie-Antoinette. Vous retrouverez cette scène de genre, sous forme de gravure, dans notre sujet consacré au peintre :
Niklas Lafrensen, dit Nicolas Lavreince (1737-1807)
Elle s'intitule " L'heureux moment ". Je n'avais pas retrouvé la version originale de Lavreince.
L'heureux moment
Nicolas Delaunay after Nicolas Lavreince
Etching and engraving, 1777
Image : 2022 National Gallery of Art
Prochainement présenté en vente aux enchères et décrit comme...
Les adieux de Louis XVI à Marie-Antoinette
Ecole française dans le style du XVIIIe siècle
Huile sur panneau parqueté
34,4 x 26 cm
* Source et infos complémentaires : Azur enchères Cannes - Vente du 27 juillet 2022
Bien évidemment, il ne s'agit nullement de Louis XVI et Marie-Antoinette. Vous retrouverez cette scène de genre, sous forme de gravure, dans notre sujet consacré au peintre :
Niklas Lafrensen, dit Nicolas Lavreince (1737-1807)
Elle s'intitule " L'heureux moment ". Je n'avais pas retrouvé la version originale de Lavreince.
L'heureux moment
Nicolas Delaunay after Nicolas Lavreince
Etching and engraving, 1777
Image : 2022 National Gallery of Art
La nuit, la neige- Messages : 18192
Date d'inscription : 21/12/2013
Sèvres, service à frise riche en couleurs et riche en or de la comtesse d'Artois ou Provence ?
Cet objet fait partie de la vente aux enchères du château du Marais, sobrement (pour ne pas dire autre chose ) présenté comme un :
Seau à bouteille en porcelaine tendre de Sèvres du XVIIIe siècle
date 1789
Provenant du service de la Comtesse de Provence
A décor polychrome de pensées dans des médaillons cernés de perles sur fond carmin dans un entourage de roses et barbeaux entre des guirlandes de feuillage et rangs de perles en or ; petites usures.
Marqué : LL entrelacés, lettre-date MM, marque du peintre Denis Levé.
H. : 17,5 cm (6 3/4 in.)
L. : 23,5 cm (9 1/4 in.)
* Source et infos complémentaires : Artcurial - Vente château du Marais (21 septembre 2022)
Nous aurions aimé avoir quelques informations au sujet de ce service...
Nous reconnaissons les décors comme étant ceux, à l'origine, du célèbre :
Service en porcelaine de Sèvres à décor " riche en couleurs et riche en or " de Marie-Antoinette et Gustave III (1784)
Et nous avions également présenté ici le " même " service, livré à la comtesse d'Artois en 1789 :
Les services en porcelaine de Sèvres de la comtesse d'Artois
Alors, ce seau à bouteille ? Livré à la comtesse d'Artois ou à sa soeur, la comtesse de Provence ?
Seau à bouteille en porcelaine tendre de Sèvres du XVIIIe siècle
date 1789
Provenant du service de la Comtesse de Provence
A décor polychrome de pensées dans des médaillons cernés de perles sur fond carmin dans un entourage de roses et barbeaux entre des guirlandes de feuillage et rangs de perles en or ; petites usures.
Marqué : LL entrelacés, lettre-date MM, marque du peintre Denis Levé.
H. : 17,5 cm (6 3/4 in.)
L. : 23,5 cm (9 1/4 in.)
* Source et infos complémentaires : Artcurial - Vente château du Marais (21 septembre 2022)
Nous aurions aimé avoir quelques informations au sujet de ce service...
Nous reconnaissons les décors comme étant ceux, à l'origine, du célèbre :
Service en porcelaine de Sèvres à décor " riche en couleurs et riche en or " de Marie-Antoinette et Gustave III (1784)
- Spoiler:
Et nous avions également présenté ici le " même " service, livré à la comtesse d'Artois en 1789 :
Les services en porcelaine de Sèvres de la comtesse d'Artois
- Spoiler:
Alors, ce seau à bouteille ? Livré à la comtesse d'Artois ou à sa soeur, la comtesse de Provence ?
La nuit, la neige- Messages : 18192
Date d'inscription : 21/12/2013
Vente : The Ann & Gordon Getty Collection (Christie's NY, oct. 2022)
Amateurs de minimalisme austère et autres adeptes du " less is more " : cassez-vous de là, vite !!!
C'est encore une grande collection qui sera prochainement dispersée aux enchères. Les amateurs de chinoiseries connaissent bien ces décors exceptionnels, délirants, souvent photographiés.
Je cite en introduction des extraits d'un article récemment publié sur le site de Vanity Fair :
La défunte épouse de Gordon, le fils de J. Paul Getty, était la grande dame d'un style très particulier. Avant une vente aux enchères très attendue, les pièces seront exposées dans plusieurs villes.
La salle à manger d'Ann et Gordon Getty, dans leur résidence de San Francisco
Image : Christie's
Près de deux ans après sa mort à l'âge de 79 ans, l'incroyable collection d'Ann Getty, composée d'arts décoratifs, de tableaux de maîtres anciens, de porcelaine, d'argenterie et de meubles, sera mise en vente par Christie's lors d'une vente de quatre jours et une nuit à New York en octobre.
La philanthrope et décoratrice d'intérieur (elle possédait son propre cabinet de design éponyme) était connue pour son esthétique irréprochable, la maison de San Francisco qu'elle partageait avec son mari Gordon étant considérée comme l'une des plus élégantes au monde.
Image : The Stylesaloniste
Avec plus de 1500 lots, les recettes de la vente seront versées à la Ann and Gordon Getty Foundation for the Arts, qui soutient des organisations artistiques et scientifiques. La collection fera le tour du monde, passant par Shanghai, Londres, Paris et Los Angeles, avant d'arriver à New York pour la vente qui aura lieu du 20 au 23 octobre.
Salle à manger de la résidence d'Ann et Gordon Getty à San Francisco
Image : Visko Hatfield for Christie's
Parmi les lots phares de la vente figurent d'importants tableaux impressionnistes de Claude Monet et Edgar Degas, ainsi qu'un groupe de tableaux de maîtres anciens tels que Bernardo Bellotto et Jean-Antoine Watteau. Les meubles anciens laqués, chers aux Getty, seront également à l'honneur, avec des pièces inspirées des prototypes japonais et chinois popularisés en Europe au XVIIe siècle. Parallèlement à la vente d'intérieurs, des pièces de la garde-robe d'Ann, notamment des sacs à main et des bijoux, seront également vendues en ligne.
Après des débuts modestes dans une ferme californienne, la mondaine a gravi les échelons de la haute société en épousant le fils du baron du pétrole J Paul Getty, Gordon, en 1964. Son beau-père était à l'époque l'homme le plus riche du monde.
Image : Christie's
* Source et infos complémentaires : Vanity Fair - Collection Ann et Gordon Getty
La présentation publiée sur le site de Christie's :
Ann and Gordon Getty, 1998
Image (détail) : Bruce Forrester, Christie's
The Ann & Gordon Getty Collection — a symphonic tour-de-force of masterpieces drawn from history’s most esteemed collections and from one of America’s most storied interiors — will be sold at Christie’s New York in a series of landmark sales beginning October 2022.
Nearly 1,500 superlative works of decorative and fine arts will be offered by Christie’s from the couple’s San Francisco residence. Proceeds from the sale this October will benefit the Ann and Gordon Getty Foundation for the Arts, dedicated to the support of arts and science organizations.
* Source et infos complémentaires : Christie's - The Ann & Gordon Getty Collection
Si vous êtes à l'aise avec ce outil, vous pouvez même effectuer une visite virtuelle de la demeure des Getty, étage par étage, pièce par pièce.
C'est ici : Christie's - Ann & Gordon Getty Collection, Virtual Tour
A suivre ici ou là dans nos rubriques, la présentation d'une sélection de pièces parmi les 1500 lots de cette vente, organisée sur plusieurs jour, et autant de catalogues à éplucher...
Images : Magazine C - Remembering San Francisco Style Icon Ann Getty
Image : Pinterest
Image : The Peak of Chic
Image : Pinterest
Image : Pinterest
C'est encore une grande collection qui sera prochainement dispersée aux enchères. Les amateurs de chinoiseries connaissent bien ces décors exceptionnels, délirants, souvent photographiés.
Je cite en introduction des extraits d'un article récemment publié sur le site de Vanity Fair :
La défunte épouse de Gordon, le fils de J. Paul Getty, était la grande dame d'un style très particulier. Avant une vente aux enchères très attendue, les pièces seront exposées dans plusieurs villes.
La salle à manger d'Ann et Gordon Getty, dans leur résidence de San Francisco
Image : Christie's
Près de deux ans après sa mort à l'âge de 79 ans, l'incroyable collection d'Ann Getty, composée d'arts décoratifs, de tableaux de maîtres anciens, de porcelaine, d'argenterie et de meubles, sera mise en vente par Christie's lors d'une vente de quatre jours et une nuit à New York en octobre.
La philanthrope et décoratrice d'intérieur (elle possédait son propre cabinet de design éponyme) était connue pour son esthétique irréprochable, la maison de San Francisco qu'elle partageait avec son mari Gordon étant considérée comme l'une des plus élégantes au monde.
Image : The Stylesaloniste
Avec plus de 1500 lots, les recettes de la vente seront versées à la Ann and Gordon Getty Foundation for the Arts, qui soutient des organisations artistiques et scientifiques. La collection fera le tour du monde, passant par Shanghai, Londres, Paris et Los Angeles, avant d'arriver à New York pour la vente qui aura lieu du 20 au 23 octobre.
Salle à manger de la résidence d'Ann et Gordon Getty à San Francisco
Image : Visko Hatfield for Christie's
Parmi les lots phares de la vente figurent d'importants tableaux impressionnistes de Claude Monet et Edgar Degas, ainsi qu'un groupe de tableaux de maîtres anciens tels que Bernardo Bellotto et Jean-Antoine Watteau. Les meubles anciens laqués, chers aux Getty, seront également à l'honneur, avec des pièces inspirées des prototypes japonais et chinois popularisés en Europe au XVIIe siècle. Parallèlement à la vente d'intérieurs, des pièces de la garde-robe d'Ann, notamment des sacs à main et des bijoux, seront également vendues en ligne.
Après des débuts modestes dans une ferme californienne, la mondaine a gravi les échelons de la haute société en épousant le fils du baron du pétrole J Paul Getty, Gordon, en 1964. Son beau-père était à l'époque l'homme le plus riche du monde.
Image : Christie's
* Source et infos complémentaires : Vanity Fair - Collection Ann et Gordon Getty
La présentation publiée sur le site de Christie's :
Ann and Gordon Getty, 1998
Image (détail) : Bruce Forrester, Christie's
The Ann & Gordon Getty Collection — a symphonic tour-de-force of masterpieces drawn from history’s most esteemed collections and from one of America’s most storied interiors — will be sold at Christie’s New York in a series of landmark sales beginning October 2022.
Nearly 1,500 superlative works of decorative and fine arts will be offered by Christie’s from the couple’s San Francisco residence. Proceeds from the sale this October will benefit the Ann and Gordon Getty Foundation for the Arts, dedicated to the support of arts and science organizations.
* Source et infos complémentaires : Christie's - The Ann & Gordon Getty Collection
Si vous êtes à l'aise avec ce outil, vous pouvez même effectuer une visite virtuelle de la demeure des Getty, étage par étage, pièce par pièce.
C'est ici : Christie's - Ann & Gordon Getty Collection, Virtual Tour
A suivre ici ou là dans nos rubriques, la présentation d'une sélection de pièces parmi les 1500 lots de cette vente, organisée sur plusieurs jour, et autant de catalogues à éplucher...
Images : Magazine C - Remembering San Francisco Style Icon Ann Getty
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Image : The Peak of Chic
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La nuit, la neige- Messages : 18192
Date d'inscription : 21/12/2013
Re: Ventes aux enchères (année 2022)
Voici donc une sélection de quelques pièces de la collection dont ces spectaculaires " girandoles aux dragons ".
Il y a quatre girandoles en tout, mais je vous communique ici la description de l'une des paires. Elles seront proposées à la vente séparément.
Je ne recopie entièrement la présentation au catalogue, elle est interminable ! Mais les paires étant évaluées entre 800 000 et 1 200 000 dollars, il faut ce qu'il faut...
Aussi, j'ai préféré masquer des chapitres afin de ne pas alourdir ce message, ils sont à votre convenance de lecture.
CIRCA 1745-1746
The gilding richly contrasted in matte and burnished finishes, each with two twisting branches cast with berried palm leaves rising to lower-petal nozzles and drip pans, the central branch entwined with a floral garland, the gadrooned nozzle clasped by foliage and berried leaf drip-pans, supported on a winged dragon biting into the branches, its tail entwined round the naturalistic base of the branches, with foliate cast with cabochons, each struck twice with the 'C' Couronné Poinçon
52 1/2 in. (133.5 cm.) high, 16.5 in. (42 cm.) wide, approximately
Provenance :
Commissioned in 1744 by Joseph-Antoine Crozat de Tugny for the grand salon of his hôtel in the Place Vendôme ; by descent to his niece, Antoinette-Louise-Thérèse Crozat de Thiers, Marquise de Béthune-Pologne (1731-1809). Sold with the hôtel to Geoffroy Chalut de Verin, trésorier de la Dauphine ; by descent to his adopted daughter Madame Deville, wife of Nicolas Deville, fermier général. (...)
Description :
These spectacular girandoles are masterpieces of eighteenth-century design and are recognized as among the most important French bronzes d’ameublement in existence.
All four were commissioned in 1744 by the fabulously wealthy banker Joseph-Antoine Crozat de Tugny for the grand salon of his hôtel particulier on the Place Vendôme and, remarkably, both pairs found their way to the Getty collection.
One pair was designed for the angles of the marble fireplace while the other stood on columns.
Their history in the twentieth century is equally prestigious- they are first recorded in the collection of the legendary saloniste Misia Sert and her husband the celebrated muralist José Maria Sert, who lavishly displayed them on Boulle cabinets, and were later part of the fabled collection of the Bolivian tin magnate Antenor Patiño, after which the two pairs were separated, one pair later being acquired by Hubert de Givenchy.
Mrs. Getty was able to reunite the two pairs, and her display of the girandoles, spectacularly perched on an abundance of rock crystal atop Boulle cabinets, paid triumphant homage to Misia Sert’s own display and formed a dazzling centerpiece to the dining room’s tour de force chinoiserie interior.
Dining Room of Ann and Gordon Getty’s San Francisco Residence
Image : 2022 Visko Hatfield for Christie’s
The four dragon candelabra are then precisely described, starting with those on the fireplace : deux espèces de girandolles à trois branches de bronze aussi doré d’or moulu portés sur deux dragons ailés sortant du dessus d’une console, le tout orné et décoré de feuilles en forme de palmiers, enrichis de guirandes (guirlandes) et de feuilles et fleurs, le tout chantourné et modelé sur la forme tant de la tablette que des côtés attachés et retenus avec des vices... …deux autres girandolles qui sont aux deux côtés de la porte… lesquelles sont pareilles à celles ci-dessus désignées et sont seulement sur deux pieds d’estaux de bois peint en marbre serancolin.
It is impossible to determine with certainty which of these two pairs was installed on the fireplace and which on the marble columns. The pair formerly in a European private collection has a flat-cast bottom suggesting that it was placed on the columns, however the cut-out sections to the reverse could indicate that this pair was designed to fit the moldings of the fireplace.
The pair’s close proximity to the heat might also explain the slightly different gilding. At the same time, the organically-shaped underside of the Givenchy pair could also indicate that those girandoles were to be placed on a richly-carve mantelpiece, the outline of which the bottoms of the girandoles were to follow.
The hôtel was subsequently let and then sold by the marquise de Béthune, the daughter of Louis-Antoine Crozat de Thiers, to Geoffroy Chalut de Verin, trésorier général de la maison de la Dauphine with its paintings and ‘bronzes attachés.’
Upon his death, it passed to his adopted daughter, wife of the fermier général Nicolas Deville who was guillotined during the Revolution.
The hôtel was seized but returned in 1795, at which date the girandoles were listed: ‘deux bras de cheminée en cuivre doré, composé de trois bobèches chaqu’un, au pied de chaque, soutenus par un hidre attenant à la cheminée... Une paire de bras de cheminée à trois branches avec trois bobèches de cuivre doré.’ Madame Deville let the hôtel to the government under the Empire and sold it in 1828 to Baron Schickler, who remodeled the house and radically altered the grand salon creating a large three-window room. The girandoles were most probably sold at this period.
The Crozat family hails from Toulouse and was recorded in the seventeenth century as leading bankers of that city. Probably the most well-known member of the family was Antoine Crozat, Marquis du Châtel (1655-1738), who founded the family’s immense fortune by lending money to the French government after moving to Paris. Antoine served as counselor to Louis XIV and the King ennobled him eventually ennobled him for his financial services to the Crown.
In 1714 Crozat purchased the seigneury of Châtel in Brittany after further enriching the family coffers by investing heavily in transatlantic trade and the French colonies in the Americas with his most famous, though less lucrative, endeavor being the largest shareholder of and having a monopoly on Louisiana. Known by his contemporaries simply as 'l'homme le plus riche de France,' at one point, Crozat briefly fell out of favor after the death of Louis XIV. Crozat and his wife Marguerite Legendre married in 1690 and had three sons and a daughter.
To advance their social position, Antoine and Marguerite did not encourage their sons to continue in their father’s footsteps and engage in finance, rather secured them positions in politics and the military.
In spite of considering the Crozats parvenus, members of the established French aristocracy mingled with the family and sought the opportunity to marry their children to a Crozat because of their immense wealth. As a result, all Crozat children married exceptionally well and were secured noble titles through purchases: Louis-François, inherited the title of Marquis du Châtel; Marie Anne, married the Comte d'Évreux; Louis-Antoine, Baron de Thiers, whose title of baron was secured by Antoine’s purchase of the barony of Thiers in 1714; and Joseph-Antoine, the commissioner of these girandoles, who was granted the title of Marquis de Thugny after the family’s estate of Thugny, a marquisate purchased in 1720.
Joseph-Antoine (1696-1751) married Michèle-Catherine Amelot de Gournay, daughter of Michel Amelot, Marquis de Gournay, the Président à mortier of the Parliament of Paris, in 1725. Maître des requêtes and lecteur de la chambre et du cabinet du Roi, Jospeh-Antoine was known as a passionate art collector.
In 1740, he inherited his uncle Pierre Crozat’s art collection, which contained works by Italian and Flemish masters as well as contemporaneous French artists. While Joseph-Antoine kept the paintings and sculptures, the drawing and mineral portion of the collection was sold the following year. As he died without an heir, the collection was inherited by his brother, Louis-Antoine, who sold most of it to Catherine the Great in 1771 in a deal brokered by Denis Diderot.
Some works were eventually sold from the Russian Imperial Collections by the Soviet government between the two world wars and a number of them were purchased by Andrew Mellon and are now in the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C.
The remainder of Joseph-Antoine’s estate, including these girandoles, were passed down to Louis-Antoine’s daughter, Antoinette-Louise-Thérèse.
* Source et infos complémentaires : Christie's NY - The Crozat Dragons Girandoles
Il y a quatre girandoles en tout, mais je vous communique ici la description de l'une des paires. Elles seront proposées à la vente séparément.
Je ne recopie entièrement la présentation au catalogue, elle est interminable ! Mais les paires étant évaluées entre 800 000 et 1 200 000 dollars, il faut ce qu'il faut...
Aussi, j'ai préféré masquer des chapitres afin de ne pas alourdir ce message, ils sont à votre convenance de lecture.
CIRCA 1745-1746
The gilding richly contrasted in matte and burnished finishes, each with two twisting branches cast with berried palm leaves rising to lower-petal nozzles and drip pans, the central branch entwined with a floral garland, the gadrooned nozzle clasped by foliage and berried leaf drip-pans, supported on a winged dragon biting into the branches, its tail entwined round the naturalistic base of the branches, with foliate cast with cabochons, each struck twice with the 'C' Couronné Poinçon
52 1/2 in. (133.5 cm.) high, 16.5 in. (42 cm.) wide, approximately
Provenance :
Commissioned in 1744 by Joseph-Antoine Crozat de Tugny for the grand salon of his hôtel in the Place Vendôme ; by descent to his niece, Antoinette-Louise-Thérèse Crozat de Thiers, Marquise de Béthune-Pologne (1731-1809). Sold with the hôtel to Geoffroy Chalut de Verin, trésorier de la Dauphine ; by descent to his adopted daughter Madame Deville, wife of Nicolas Deville, fermier général. (...)
Description :
These spectacular girandoles are masterpieces of eighteenth-century design and are recognized as among the most important French bronzes d’ameublement in existence.
All four were commissioned in 1744 by the fabulously wealthy banker Joseph-Antoine Crozat de Tugny for the grand salon of his hôtel particulier on the Place Vendôme and, remarkably, both pairs found their way to the Getty collection.
One pair was designed for the angles of the marble fireplace while the other stood on columns.
Their history in the twentieth century is equally prestigious- they are first recorded in the collection of the legendary saloniste Misia Sert and her husband the celebrated muralist José Maria Sert, who lavishly displayed them on Boulle cabinets, and were later part of the fabled collection of the Bolivian tin magnate Antenor Patiño, after which the two pairs were separated, one pair later being acquired by Hubert de Givenchy.
Mrs. Getty was able to reunite the two pairs, and her display of the girandoles, spectacularly perched on an abundance of rock crystal atop Boulle cabinets, paid triumphant homage to Misia Sert’s own display and formed a dazzling centerpiece to the dining room’s tour de force chinoiserie interior.
Dining Room of Ann and Gordon Getty’s San Francisco Residence
Image : 2022 Visko Hatfield for Christie’s
- Spoiler:
- The architect Pierre Bullet was engaged by Antoine Crozat in 1702 to build two hôtels behind the Mansart façades in the Place Vendôme, which were subsequently remodeled in 1721. Following his death on 7 June 1738, his immense fortune was inherited by his three sons.
Under the 1743 settlement, the eldest, Louis-François (1691-1750), marquis du Chatel, inherited his uncle Pierre’s hôtel on the rue de Richelieu. Louis-Antoine (1699-1770), baron de Thiers, received the hôtel d’Evreux in the Place Vendôme that had been built for their sister who died in 1729.
Joseph-Antoine, baron de Tugny, inherited 2,708,000 livres, his father’s hôtel with its furnishings and the château de Clichy.
Immediately on entering into his inheritance, Joseph-Antoine Crozat asked the influential architect Pierre Contant d’lvry to remodel and rearrange his father’s house from 1744-46. The estimates were deposited with the notaire Dutartre on 21 May 1744 and the works were completed by April 1746 at a cost of 120,000 livres. The staircase was reconstructed in horseshoe form and the first floor gallery was divided into two rooms creating a grander as well as more convenient arrangement.
Crozat’s own suite of rooms overlooked the courtyard, while those of his wife gave onto the square. His father’s cabinet was retained but the grand salon was completely changed creating an octagonal room, lit by two windows facing the square.
Blondel reveals the extent of the changes: toutes les autres pièces sont… absolument changées et décorées avec une magnificence extraordinaire, particulièrement le salon ... dont les angles sont à bases et ornés de glaces, aussi bien que les cheminées, les trumeaux, les portes et les croisées; ces glaces, en répétant les objets, procurent plus de grandeur à ce salon et forment un effet surprenant qui mérite la plus grande admiration... La décoration des lambris de ces appartments doit exciter la curiosité des connaisseurs par le choix et la richesse des ornements que l’on y remarque, partie de l’architecture que M. Contant entend furieusement On 24 July 1745 the jurés-experts des bátiments de Paris commented: 'le tout suivant et conformément aux plans, profils, coupes et élévations qui en ont été faits et dressez par M. Contant, architecte du Roi ce de son Académie… et suivant les modèles tant en plastre qu’en bois que le dit M. Contant en a fait faire et dresser' The ceiling was finished and the cornice was 'ornée de sculpture avec cartouches et rosettes dans le milieu le tout suivant le modèle qui est faut en terre' By 10 January 1746, the menuiserie was completed by Blaise-Henry Arnoult at a cost of 52,150 livres, Poilvert painted and gilded the boiseries. Bochois provided the locks and the rails for the staircase. The chimneypiece for the grand salon on which one pair of girandoles was to be fixed was again in place by 10 January 1746: ‘la cheminée de marbre avec sa table suivant le modèle et les dessins signés et arretés de M. Contant.’
The work completed, the Président de Tugny then installed himself and his collections in his hôtel. Because of ill-health, his will was drawn up in March 1748 and he died on 6 January 1751. In the grand salon were valued….‘une grille de feu... représentant des chasses’ as well as ‘quatre bras de cheminée à trois branches chacun de quatre pieds de haut de cuivre ciselé et doré d’or moulu prisés 4000 livres.’ They were accompanied by ‘deux chandeliers en girandoles de quatre branches de cuivre d’or moulu,’ which were perhaps placed on the console measuring two meters with a Sarrancolin marble top. The floor was covered with an octagonal Aubusson carpet. The room was furnished with a pair of canapés and six fauteuils covered in cut-velvet and almost certainly supplied by N.-Q. Foliot. On the wall hung a giltwood cartel by Magny. The furniture and other collections were sold raising 179,013 livres and all the Président’s debts were settled. Contant d’lvry received payment of 7,600 livres ‘pour reste et parfait paiement de ses honoraires faits en la maison de Paris.’ The accounts record payment of 2,201 livres to Antoine Lelièvre ‘ciseleur-doreur du Roy’ possibly the author of the girandoles, for ‘ouvrages contenus en trois mémoires.’ Ten months later the heirs requested a valuation of the hôtel, which was carried out on 23 October 1751. The Sarrancolin marble chimneypiece was embellished with gilt-bronze mounts. In the center was a cartouche issuing foliage and flowers; the bases of the jambs were also mounted with gilt-bronze collars.
The four dragon candelabra are then precisely described, starting with those on the fireplace : deux espèces de girandolles à trois branches de bronze aussi doré d’or moulu portés sur deux dragons ailés sortant du dessus d’une console, le tout orné et décoré de feuilles en forme de palmiers, enrichis de guirandes (guirlandes) et de feuilles et fleurs, le tout chantourné et modelé sur la forme tant de la tablette que des côtés attachés et retenus avec des vices... …deux autres girandolles qui sont aux deux côtés de la porte… lesquelles sont pareilles à celles ci-dessus désignées et sont seulement sur deux pieds d’estaux de bois peint en marbre serancolin.
It is impossible to determine with certainty which of these two pairs was installed on the fireplace and which on the marble columns. The pair formerly in a European private collection has a flat-cast bottom suggesting that it was placed on the columns, however the cut-out sections to the reverse could indicate that this pair was designed to fit the moldings of the fireplace.
The pair’s close proximity to the heat might also explain the slightly different gilding. At the same time, the organically-shaped underside of the Givenchy pair could also indicate that those girandoles were to be placed on a richly-carve mantelpiece, the outline of which the bottoms of the girandoles were to follow.
The hôtel was subsequently let and then sold by the marquise de Béthune, the daughter of Louis-Antoine Crozat de Thiers, to Geoffroy Chalut de Verin, trésorier général de la maison de la Dauphine with its paintings and ‘bronzes attachés.’
Upon his death, it passed to his adopted daughter, wife of the fermier général Nicolas Deville who was guillotined during the Revolution.
The hôtel was seized but returned in 1795, at which date the girandoles were listed: ‘deux bras de cheminée en cuivre doré, composé de trois bobèches chaqu’un, au pied de chaque, soutenus par un hidre attenant à la cheminée... Une paire de bras de cheminée à trois branches avec trois bobèches de cuivre doré.’ Madame Deville let the hôtel to the government under the Empire and sold it in 1828 to Baron Schickler, who remodeled the house and radically altered the grand salon creating a large three-window room. The girandoles were most probably sold at this period.
- Spoiler:
- Born in 1698 in Ivry sur Seine, Pierre Contant d’Ivry was the pupil of Nicolas Dulin. Shortly after his marriage he was reçu architecte à l’Académie in 1728. He built the hôtel of the celebrated collector Blondel de Gagny in 1734. He was architect to the Prince de Soubise, Prince de Croÿ and Machault d’Arnouville and in 1754 he became premier architecte to the duc d’Orléans, for whom he prepared plans for the renovation of the Palais Royal that garnered him great praise. Besides architectural plans, he also provided his clients with furniture designs. He enjoyed a considerable reputation among his contemporaries and was perhaps best known as an architect of interiors and one of the most celebrated designers working in the late Rococo and early Neoclassical style not only in France, but throughout Europe. In fact, one of his most notable commissions was for the Copenhagen home of Baron de Bernstorff, the Francophile Danish ambassador to the court of Louis XV.
- Spoiler:
- Chimney girandoles of this type were frequently employed in the eighteenth century, although the fact they were always considered as architectural fittings rather than individual works of art has meant that few have survived. Oppenord designed some for the Palais Royal and Pineau provided a design for another pair circa 1733 for the Galerie of the hôtel de Villars. Contant d’Ivry designed three other models of girandoles: for the hôtel of the maréchal de Belle-Isle, for the Palais Royal in 1754, and for the Palais Bernstorff, Copenhagen in 1756, see P. Verlet, Les Bronzes Dorés Français du XVII Siècle, Paris, 1987, fig. 19.
Count Bernstorff was a friend of the maréchal de Belle-Isle and he is also likely to have known the hôtel de Tugny during his period in Paris from 1745 to 1751, as the Président’s brother, Louis-Antoine Crozat de Thiers, who was himself a client of Contant d’lvry, oversaw the Danish chancellor’s Parisian commissions in his absence.
- Spoiler:
- Although little of his oeuvre is documented, Antoine Lelièvre was evidently one of the foremost bronziers of his time. He became maître on 1 March 1738 and a member of the juré in 1748. Named Ciseleur doreur du Roy sur métaux, his shop was on the rue des Deux Portes and in 1746 was recorded at the rue de la Vannerie. He numbered among his illustrious clients Louis XV (to whom he delivered in 1753 a pair of chenets depicting Neptune and Proserpine for his use at Versailles), Madame de Pompadour, the duc d’Orléans and the prince de Condé. In 1753 he supplied a number of bronzes d’ameublement including chenets and wall lights to Don Philippe, Duke of Parma who with his wife Madame Louise-Elizabeth, Madame Infante, the eldest daughter of Louis XV was furnishing their palace in Colorno in the most up to date taste following their assumption of the Duchy of Parma. The deliveries were made via the Duke’s Parisian agent Claude Bonnet, see A. González-Palacios, Il Patrimonio Artistico del Quirinale: I Mobili Francesi, Milan, 1996, cat.69-70 and pp. 375-6.
Lelièvre’s daughter was married to the bronzier Quentin-Claude Pitoin who took over his molds after his death on 7 October 1784.
The Crozat family hails from Toulouse and was recorded in the seventeenth century as leading bankers of that city. Probably the most well-known member of the family was Antoine Crozat, Marquis du Châtel (1655-1738), who founded the family’s immense fortune by lending money to the French government after moving to Paris. Antoine served as counselor to Louis XIV and the King ennobled him eventually ennobled him for his financial services to the Crown.
In 1714 Crozat purchased the seigneury of Châtel in Brittany after further enriching the family coffers by investing heavily in transatlantic trade and the French colonies in the Americas with his most famous, though less lucrative, endeavor being the largest shareholder of and having a monopoly on Louisiana. Known by his contemporaries simply as 'l'homme le plus riche de France,' at one point, Crozat briefly fell out of favor after the death of Louis XIV. Crozat and his wife Marguerite Legendre married in 1690 and had three sons and a daughter.
To advance their social position, Antoine and Marguerite did not encourage their sons to continue in their father’s footsteps and engage in finance, rather secured them positions in politics and the military.
In spite of considering the Crozats parvenus, members of the established French aristocracy mingled with the family and sought the opportunity to marry their children to a Crozat because of their immense wealth. As a result, all Crozat children married exceptionally well and were secured noble titles through purchases: Louis-François, inherited the title of Marquis du Châtel; Marie Anne, married the Comte d'Évreux; Louis-Antoine, Baron de Thiers, whose title of baron was secured by Antoine’s purchase of the barony of Thiers in 1714; and Joseph-Antoine, the commissioner of these girandoles, who was granted the title of Marquis de Thugny after the family’s estate of Thugny, a marquisate purchased in 1720.
Joseph-Antoine (1696-1751) married Michèle-Catherine Amelot de Gournay, daughter of Michel Amelot, Marquis de Gournay, the Président à mortier of the Parliament of Paris, in 1725. Maître des requêtes and lecteur de la chambre et du cabinet du Roi, Jospeh-Antoine was known as a passionate art collector.
In 1740, he inherited his uncle Pierre Crozat’s art collection, which contained works by Italian and Flemish masters as well as contemporaneous French artists. While Joseph-Antoine kept the paintings and sculptures, the drawing and mineral portion of the collection was sold the following year. As he died without an heir, the collection was inherited by his brother, Louis-Antoine, who sold most of it to Catherine the Great in 1771 in a deal brokered by Denis Diderot.
Some works were eventually sold from the Russian Imperial Collections by the Soviet government between the two world wars and a number of them were purchased by Andrew Mellon and are now in the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C.
The remainder of Joseph-Antoine’s estate, including these girandoles, were passed down to Louis-Antoine’s daughter, Antoinette-Louise-Thérèse.
* Source et infos complémentaires : Christie's NY - The Crozat Dragons Girandoles
La nuit, la neige- Messages : 18192
Date d'inscription : 21/12/2013
Re: Ventes aux enchères (année 2022)
Quelques autres lots de cette vente.
Je ne cite pas les descriptifs, ils sont en général beaucoup trop longs. Vous les retrouverez en lien pour chacun des objets.
CIRCA 1740,
22 1/4 in. (56.5 cm.) high, 25 1/2 in. (64.8 cm.) wide, 21 1/2 in. (54.6 cm.) deep
* Source et infos complémentaires : Christie's - The Ann & Gordon Getty Collection
JEAN-ÉTIENNE LIOTARD (Geneva 1702-1789)
‘La liseuse’ (Portrait of Susanna Lewis seated)
with inscription ‘Ms Susanna Campbell/ wife of Col. John Campbell/ of Blunham House Bedford Sh.e/ and of Dunoon in Argyle Sh.e/ Mother of Charlotte Julia/ Countess of Rothes/ Wife of 12th Earl/ Painted by/ Liotard in 1755/ An Italian Artist’ (on the back of the frame)
pastel, heightened with white bodycolor (or wet pastel?), on vellum
25 3/4 x 20 in. (65.5 x 50.8 cm.)
* Source et infos complémentaires : Christie's - The Ann & Gordon Getty Collection
CIRCA 1710-1720
* Source et infos complémentaires : Christie's - The Ann & Gordon Getty Collection
JEAN-HONORÉ FRAGONARD (Grasse 1732-1806 Paris)
‘Le Verrou’ (The bolt)
with inscription ‘fragonard’ in pen and brown ink (lower right)
red chalk, brush and brown ink, touches of pen and brown ink, pen and brown ink framing line, watermark shield with Strasbourg Lily surmounted by a crown and ‘[D] & J. C. BLAUW’
9 3/8 x 14 3/8 in. (24 x 36.5 cm.)
* Source et infos complémentaires : Christie's - The Ann & Gordon Getty Collection
CIRCA 1765
* Source et infos complémentaires : Christie's - The Ann & Gordon Getty Collection
CIRCA 1754
The current decoration circa 1841, over the original red, blue and yellow.
Supplied to Charles Somerset, 4th Duke of Beaufort (1707-1759), for the Chinese Bedroom at Badminton House, Gloucestershire (originally a set of eight).
* Source et infos complémentaires : Christie's - The Ann & Gordon Getty Collection
A suivre...
Je ne cite pas les descriptifs, ils sont en général beaucoup trop longs. Vous les retrouverez en lien pour chacun des objets.
CIRCA 1740,
22 1/4 in. (56.5 cm.) high, 25 1/2 in. (64.8 cm.) wide, 21 1/2 in. (54.6 cm.) deep
* Source et infos complémentaires : Christie's - The Ann & Gordon Getty Collection
JEAN-ÉTIENNE LIOTARD (Geneva 1702-1789)
‘La liseuse’ (Portrait of Susanna Lewis seated)
with inscription ‘Ms Susanna Campbell/ wife of Col. John Campbell/ of Blunham House Bedford Sh.e/ and of Dunoon in Argyle Sh.e/ Mother of Charlotte Julia/ Countess of Rothes/ Wife of 12th Earl/ Painted by/ Liotard in 1755/ An Italian Artist’ (on the back of the frame)
pastel, heightened with white bodycolor (or wet pastel?), on vellum
25 3/4 x 20 in. (65.5 x 50.8 cm.)
* Source et infos complémentaires : Christie's - The Ann & Gordon Getty Collection
CIRCA 1710-1720
* Source et infos complémentaires : Christie's - The Ann & Gordon Getty Collection
JEAN-HONORÉ FRAGONARD (Grasse 1732-1806 Paris)
‘Le Verrou’ (The bolt)
with inscription ‘fragonard’ in pen and brown ink (lower right)
red chalk, brush and brown ink, touches of pen and brown ink, pen and brown ink framing line, watermark shield with Strasbourg Lily surmounted by a crown and ‘[D] & J. C. BLAUW’
9 3/8 x 14 3/8 in. (24 x 36.5 cm.)
* Source et infos complémentaires : Christie's - The Ann & Gordon Getty Collection
CIRCA 1765
* Source et infos complémentaires : Christie's - The Ann & Gordon Getty Collection
CIRCA 1754
The current decoration circa 1841, over the original red, blue and yellow.
Supplied to Charles Somerset, 4th Duke of Beaufort (1707-1759), for the Chinese Bedroom at Badminton House, Gloucestershire (originally a set of eight).
* Source et infos complémentaires : Christie's - The Ann & Gordon Getty Collection
A suivre...
Dernière édition par La nuit, la neige le Mar 20 Sep 2022, 17:05, édité 1 fois
La nuit, la neige- Messages : 18192
Date d'inscription : 21/12/2013
Re: Ventes aux enchères (année 2022)
Merci pour ce signalement LNLN !
On distingue au 1er plan deux fauteuils livrés pour le Palm Room de Spencer House :
Meubles qui depuis ont été copiés à la demande de Lord Rothschild pour remeubler la pièce conformément à son aspect originel
Sur le forum :
On distingue au 1er plan deux fauteuils livrés pour le Palm Room de Spencer House :
Meubles qui depuis ont été copiés à la demande de Lord Rothschild pour remeubler la pièce conformément à son aspect originel
Sur le forum :
Gouverneur Morris- Messages : 11884
Date d'inscription : 21/12/2013
Re: Ventes aux enchères (année 2022)
Gouverneur Morris a écrit:
On distingue au 1er plan deux fauteuils livrés pour le Palm Room de Spencer House :
Meubles qui depuis ont été copiés à la demande de Lord Rothschild pour remeubler la pièce conformément à son aspect originel
Mais oui ! Il sait tout, il voit tout...
CIRCA 1758
Provenance : Supplied to John Spencer, later 1st Earl Spencer (1734-1783) for the Palm Room at Spencer House, circa 1758.
* Source et infos complémentaires : Christie's NY - The Ann & Gordon Getty Collection
Cela m'étonnerait que ces fauteuils retrouvent leur place historique dans ce salon, car nous savons qu'il est loué à la demande (mariages, concerts privés etc.).
Je déplacerai peut-être nos messages dans le sujet de la Spencer House en recopiant des extraits de la présentation Christie's, très (très) étoffée sur le sujet.
La nuit, la neige- Messages : 18192
Date d'inscription : 21/12/2013
Re: Ventes aux enchères (année 2022)
Quelques autres lots de cet ancien "temple de la chinoiserie moderne" qui me plaisent, ou que je trouve intéressants.
A nouveau je ne recopie pas l'intégralité des notes descriptives car, généralement, elles sont beaucoup trop longues. Mais vous pouvez cliquer sur le lien qui renvoie aux " informations complémentaires " concernant chaque lot, dont ce...
* Source et infos complémentaires : Christie's - The Ann & Gordon Getty Collection
CIRCA 1720
134 in. (340.5 cm.) high, 29 3/4 in. (75.5 cm.) wide
By repute, Augustus the Strong, Elector of Saxony, King of Poland (1694-1733).
* Source et infos complémentaires : Christie's - The Ann & Gordon Getty Collection
Each tall jardinière is of circular section and divided by key-fret bands into two register of cloisonné enamel panels[/b] decorated with lotus scrolls, all raised on a shaped foot ring, the opening of the jardinère is covered with crushed coral from which emerges the stem of the 'plant' which bears multi-branched lingzhi with textured gilt details.
27 in. (68 cm.) high
Lot Essay
In the 18th century, lavish jardinières with various types of ‘plants’ were used as decorations in the imperial palace.
The choice of subject usually carried some kind of auspicious meaning. The lingzhi (Ganoderma lucidum) is a woody fungus that was attributed with many medicinal qualities and was an ingredient in certain potions of immortality. As seen here, the lingzhi is a wish-fulfilling symbol as well as an emblem of longevity.
Ganoderme luisant (Ganoderma lucidum)
Image : Plantamus
* Source et infos complémentaires : Christie's NY - The Ann & Gordon Getty Collection
* Source et infos complémentaires : Christie's NY - The Ann & Gordon Getty Collection
CIRCA 1755
Each with a molded serpentine giltwood frame with padded arms and seat, covered in a French ice-blue Bizarre Japonnerie silk damask, circa 1708(...)
* Source et infos complémentaires : Christie's - The Ann & Gordon Getty Collection
CIRCA 1755
* Source et infos complémentaires : Christie's - The Ann & Gordon Getty Collection
CIRCA 1775
35 1/2 in. (90 cm.) high, 60 in. (152 cm.) wide, 23 1/4 in. (59 cm.) deep
* Source et infos complémentaires : Christie's NY - The Ann & Gordon Getty Collection
CIRCA 1795
Possibly acquired by Josephine Bonaparte for her hôtel on the rue Chantereine, Paris (later named the rue des Victoires), with another nine-branch chandelier now in the château de Malmaison.
Possibly subsequently transferred to the château de Tuileries circa 1806
A nouveau je ne recopie pas l'intégralité des notes descriptives car, généralement, elles sont beaucoup trop longues. Mais vous pouvez cliquer sur le lien qui renvoie aux " informations complémentaires " concernant chaque lot, dont ce...
* Source et infos complémentaires : Christie's - The Ann & Gordon Getty Collection
CIRCA 1720
134 in. (340.5 cm.) high, 29 3/4 in. (75.5 cm.) wide
By repute, Augustus the Strong, Elector of Saxony, King of Poland (1694-1733).
* Source et infos complémentaires : Christie's - The Ann & Gordon Getty Collection
Each tall jardinière is of circular section and divided by key-fret bands into two register of cloisonné enamel panels[/b] decorated with lotus scrolls, all raised on a shaped foot ring, the opening of the jardinère is covered with crushed coral from which emerges the stem of the 'plant' which bears multi-branched lingzhi with textured gilt details.
27 in. (68 cm.) high
Lot Essay
In the 18th century, lavish jardinières with various types of ‘plants’ were used as decorations in the imperial palace.
The choice of subject usually carried some kind of auspicious meaning. The lingzhi (Ganoderma lucidum) is a woody fungus that was attributed with many medicinal qualities and was an ingredient in certain potions of immortality. As seen here, the lingzhi is a wish-fulfilling symbol as well as an emblem of longevity.
Ganoderme luisant (Ganoderma lucidum)
Image : Plantamus
* Source et infos complémentaires : Christie's NY - The Ann & Gordon Getty Collection
* Source et infos complémentaires : Christie's NY - The Ann & Gordon Getty Collection
CIRCA 1755
Each with a molded serpentine giltwood frame with padded arms and seat, covered in a French ice-blue Bizarre Japonnerie silk damask, circa 1708(...)
* Source et infos complémentaires : Christie's - The Ann & Gordon Getty Collection
CIRCA 1755
* Source et infos complémentaires : Christie's - The Ann & Gordon Getty Collection
CIRCA 1775
35 1/2 in. (90 cm.) high, 60 in. (152 cm.) wide, 23 1/4 in. (59 cm.) deep
* Source et infos complémentaires : Christie's NY - The Ann & Gordon Getty Collection
CIRCA 1795
Possibly acquired by Josephine Bonaparte for her hôtel on the rue Chantereine, Paris (later named the rue des Victoires), with another nine-branch chandelier now in the château de Malmaison.
Possibly subsequently transferred to the château de Tuileries circa 1806
La nuit, la neige- Messages : 18192
Date d'inscription : 21/12/2013
Re: Ventes aux enchères (année 2022)
Les jardinières me font un drôle d'effet, un peu comme une soupe d'yeux ...
... demain est un autre jour .
Mme de Sabran- Messages : 55755
Date d'inscription : 21/12/2013
Localisation : l'Ouest sauvage
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