Bijoux de Marie-Antoinette : bracelets de diamants
Bonnefoy du Plan
Comte d'Hézècques
Mr ventier
Mme de Sabran
Dominique Poulin
10 participants
LE FORUM DE MARIE-ANTOINETTE :: Le patrimoine de Marie-Antoinette :: Divers : atours, objets et reliques etc. :: Bijoux et atours de Marie-Antoinette
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Re: Bijoux de Marie-Antoinette : bracelets de diamants
C'est vrai il y a quelque chose des fameuses pendeloques, mais ce sont des châtelaines, très en vogue dans cette période. Elles me semblent être en perles aussi.
« La mode est à la France ce que les mines du Pérou sont à l'Espagne » Colbert.
Marie-Jeanne- Messages : 1496
Date d'inscription : 16/09/2018
Re: Bijoux de Marie-Antoinette : bracelets de diamants
En effet, merci Marie-Jeanne !
Comme ici :
Celle que souligne notre ami Bonnefoy d'un trait rouge est faite de diamants et l'autre de perles.
Comme ici :
Mais les deux ne sont pas semblables .Marie-Jeanne a écrit:C'est vrai il y a quelque chose des fameuses pendeloques, mais ce sont des châtelaines, très en vogue dans cette période. Elles me semblent être en perles aussi.
Celle que souligne notre ami Bonnefoy d'un trait rouge est faite de diamants et l'autre de perles.
... demain est un autre jour .
Mme de Sabran- Messages : 55177
Date d'inscription : 21/12/2013
Localisation : l'Ouest sauvage
Re: Bijoux de Marie-Antoinette : bracelets de diamants
Oui elles sont différentes, il peut s'agir d'un effet du peintre. Plutôt que des diamants celle de gauche m'évoque des perles d'acier poli, de même les boutons du corsage. Très à la mode aussi.
« La mode est à la France ce que les mines du Pérou sont à l'Espagne » Colbert.
Marie-Jeanne- Messages : 1496
Date d'inscription : 16/09/2018
La nuit, la neige- Messages : 18021
Date d'inscription : 21/12/2013
Re: Bijoux de Marie-Antoinette : bracelets de diamants
Je ne sais plus s'il y a un ou deux envois, et à quelle(s) date(s) !Bonnefoy du Plan a écrit: Je me suis toujours perdu au récit des pérégrinations du fameux coffret (...)
Pour moi non plus, ce n'est pas très clair !
Personnellement, je ne m'en souviens plus.Mme de Sabran a écrit:L'anecdote des " bracelets arrivés à Vienne " nous est bien connue .
Quand écrit-elle cette phrase à Vermond ?Mme de Sabran a écrit:Marie-Antoinette, à Vermond :
Mes bracelets sont arrivés à Vienne !
Le communiqué de presse présenté ci-dessus signale qu'il y a bien eu inventaire des pierres et bijoux contenus dans le coffre conservé par Mercy. Il est réalisé en 1794, à Bruxelles :
Or nous étions quelques-uns à ignorer l'existence ce cet inventaire lors de la vente aux enchères de 2018.
Plus étonnant, et sauf erreur de ma part, Sotheby's ne l'évoquait pas non plus, puisque l'inventaire de référence de la vente était celui d'Elie de Bourbon Parme, noté près de 80 ans après la mort de la duchesse d'Angoulême !).
Lire nos messages, ici : Vente aux enchères - Perles et diamants des Bourbon-Parme (Sotheby's 2018)
Je cite un court extrait de l'article " Une nouvelle affaire du collier de la reine " publié, en 2018, dans le blog Bijouterie du spectacle
Il se trouve que depuis plusieurs années je travaille précisément à un ouvrage consacré aux bijoux de Marie-Antoinette. Une œuvre d’historien basée essentiellement sur des archives publiques. C’est dire si cette question me passionne et m’autorise à faire valoir une assez bonne connaissance de tout ce qui concerne le contenu des écrins royaux.
Je verse donc au dossier une pièce essentielle : le procès-verbal de l’ouverture de la cassette de la reine, le 9 février 1794, à Bruxelles, à 10 heures du matin, en présence de l’archiduc Charles-Louis d’Autriche (frère de l’empereur François 1er), du comte Florimont-Claude de Mercy-Argenteau (à qui Marie-Antoinette avait confié le soin de la mettre en lieu sûr), et du baron Henri Charles de Muller Hornstein (dernier secrétaire d’Etat et de guerre des Pays-Bas autrichiens).
Ce procès-verbal est accompagné d’un inventaire détaillé de tous les bijoux contenus dans cette cassette, en l’occurrence une simple boite en bois, au couvercle cloué et scellé, enveloppée dans une toile cirée noire.
Quel émerveillement que la lecture de cette liste qui détaille, une à une, toutes les pierreries, parures et perles de la reine.
* Article à lire dans son intégralité, ici :
Nous voulons cet inventaire !!
La nuit, la neige- Messages : 18021
Date d'inscription : 21/12/2013
Re: Bijoux de Marie-Antoinette : bracelets de diamants
La nuit, la neige a écrit:Nous voulons cet inventaire !!
Vous avez raison, l'existence de cet inventaire et sa publication in extenso serait une élément déterminant. L'article auquel vous renvoyez date déjà d'il y a trois ans, pas de publication entre temps. C'est un chercheur qui se donne le temps, ce que j'interprète comme un bon signe.
Jusqu'ici, les informations éparses, souvent données opportunément à l'occasion d'une vente ou d'une autre, sont souvent difficiles à réconcilier, quand elles ne sont pas franchement contradictoires.
Un vrai casse-tête!
" Ai-je vu dans sa société quelque chose qui ne fût pas marqué au coin de la grâce, de la bonté et du goût? "
(Prince de Ligne, au sujet de "la charmante reine")
Bonnefoy du Plan- Messages : 390
Date d'inscription : 06/08/2018
Localisation : Le Maine
Re: Bijoux de Marie-Antoinette : bracelets de diamants
Elle ne le lui écrit pas mais le lui dit, et Mercy aussi sec le moucharde à Marie-Thérèse.La nuit, la neige a écrit:Mme de Sabran a écrit:Marie-Antoinette, à Vermond :
Mes bracelets sont arrivés à Vienne !
Quand écrit-elle cette phrase à Vermond ?
( Louis Hastier, L'affaire du Collier )
C'est fou ça ! Aurais-tu des petites antennes, par hasard ?!La nuit, la neige a écrit:
Nous voulons cet inventaire !!
... demain est un autre jour .
Mme de Sabran- Messages : 55177
Date d'inscription : 21/12/2013
Localisation : l'Ouest sauvage
Re: Bijoux de Marie-Antoinette : bracelets de diamants
Mme de Sabran a écrit:
Elle ne le lui écrit pas mais le lui dit, et Mercy aussi sec le moucharde à Marie-Thérèse.
Merci beaucoup, mais je me rends compte que nous ne parlions pas du tout de la même chose !
Quelle confusion ! Il s'agit de second degré de la part de Marie-Antoinette.
Or je pensais qu'il s'agissait de l'arrivée de la cassette...à Vienne !
C'est idiot, puisque Marie-Antoinette n'en aura pas connaissance, puisqu'elle sera décédée lorsque ses bijoux seront déplacés dans la capitale autrichienne.
Je pense qu'il faut faire ici un point sur ce(s) transfert(s) des bijoux à Bruxelles. Il y a plusieurs versions.
La nuit, la neige- Messages : 18021
Date d'inscription : 21/12/2013
Re: Bijoux de Marie-Antoinette : bracelets de diamants
« La mode est à la France ce que les mines du Pérou sont à l'Espagne » Colbert.
Marie-Jeanne- Messages : 1496
Date d'inscription : 16/09/2018
Re: Bijoux de Marie-Antoinette : bracelets de diamants
Marie-Jeanne a écrit:
La paire de bracelets semble bien correspondre à l'article 6ème.
Oui, tout à fait !!!
Merci, chère Marie-Jeanne .
... demain est un autre jour .
Mme de Sabran- Messages : 55177
Date d'inscription : 21/12/2013
Localisation : l'Ouest sauvage
Re: Bijoux de Marie-Antoinette : bracelets de diamants
Reste à comparer tout çà avec la vente précédente. Enjoy !
« La mode est à la France ce que les mines du Pérou sont à l'Espagne » Colbert.
Marie-Jeanne- Messages : 1496
Date d'inscription : 16/09/2018
Re: Bijoux de Marie-Antoinette : bracelets de diamants
Merci beaucoup Marie-Jeanne !
La comparaison avec les bijoux vendus en 2018, mais surtout l'histoire de ce mystérieux " coffre au trésor " sont à suivre ici :
Bijoux de Marie-Antoinette - Inventaire des parures, diamants et perles envoyés à Bruxelles durant la Révolution
La comparaison avec les bijoux vendus en 2018, mais surtout l'histoire de ce mystérieux " coffre au trésor " sont à suivre ici :
Bijoux de Marie-Antoinette - Inventaire des parures, diamants et perles envoyés à Bruxelles durant la Révolution
La nuit, la neige- Messages : 18021
Date d'inscription : 21/12/2013
Re: Bijoux de Marie-Antoinette : bracelets de diamants
Merci chère Marie-Jeanne ! Il semble donc que les fermoirs soient passés de 4 diamants (ils sont d’ailleurs bien 4 sur le portrait de Gros) à 5 à une date indéterminée - peut-être lors de la modification des ceux-ci pour pouvoir assembler les bracelets et les porter en collier ?
Gouverneur Morris- Messages : 11617
Date d'inscription : 21/12/2013
Re: Bijoux de Marie-Antoinette : bracelets de diamants
Oui très probablement.
« La mode est à la France ce que les mines du Pérou sont à l'Espagne » Colbert.
Marie-Jeanne- Messages : 1496
Date d'inscription : 16/09/2018
Re: Bijoux de Marie-Antoinette : bracelets de diamants
Gouverneur Morris a écrit:La duchesse d'Angoulême par Gros
Marie-Thérèse-Charlotte de France, duchesse d'Angoulême
Jean-Antoine Gros
Huile sur toile, vers 1816
Image : Château de Versailles, Dist. RMN / Christophe Fouin
En gros plan :
Je n'ai pas le temps de vérifier dans le Morel s'il s'agit des anciens bracelets de la parure de diamants de Marie-Louise ou bien s'ils proviennent de la cassette personnelle de la duchesse... Mais la ressemblance avec ceux de Genève interpelle !
Voilà, j'ai pu enfin consulter mon exemplaire du Morel au sujet des diamants portés par la duchesse sur ce tableau. L'auteur est, comme à son habitude, d'une rigueur à toute épreuve ! respect.
Tout d'abord, il confirme bien qu'une partie de la parure est constituée par l'ancienne parure de diamants de Marie-Louise (parure d'Etat donc), remontée en 1814 et... complétée de joyaux personnels de la duchesse, dont les bracelets
Cette parure fut déposée par cette dernière chez son joaillier lors des Cents-Jours : on note que la duchesse, digne fille de sa mère, n'avait emporté avec elle que la partie de la parure lui appartenant en propre... notamment les bracelets qui manquent dans l'écrin !
Puis les pierres de la parure provenant des Diamants de la Couronne sont remplacées par d'autres nouvellement acquises, Louis XVIII souhaitant offrir la parure à la duchesse :
Un grand bravo à Bernard Morel pour avoir suivi les pérégrinations des joyaux personnels de la Reine et sa fille sans les avoir jamais vus !
Gouverneur Morris- Messages : 11617
Date d'inscription : 21/12/2013
Re: Bijoux de Marie-Antoinette : bracelets de diamants
Un grand MERCI et BRAVO aussi à tous les géniaux contributeurs de cet intéressant sujet !!!
Vous êtes les meilleurs et rendez tel notre beau Forum !!!
Vous êtes les meilleurs et rendez tel notre beau Forum !!!
... demain est un autre jour .
Mme de Sabran- Messages : 55177
Date d'inscription : 21/12/2013
Localisation : l'Ouest sauvage
Re: Bijoux de Marie-Antoinette : bracelets de diamants
Pour illlustrer les propos de Bernard Morel, voici donc le collier Massimo, dont il pense que s'il est bien constitué de diamants ayant appartenu à la reine, il ne fut monté qu'au début du XIXe :
Tout comme les bracelets, il appartenait donc en propre à la duchesse, qui le transmit à ses héritiers de Parme, et de là à la princesse Massimo, dont il prit le nom . Hélas vendu et sans doute dépecé depuis...
Tout comme les bracelets, il appartenait donc en propre à la duchesse, qui le transmit à ses héritiers de Parme, et de là à la princesse Massimo, dont il prit le nom . Hélas vendu et sans doute dépecé depuis...
Gouverneur Morris- Messages : 11617
Date d'inscription : 21/12/2013
Re: Bijoux de Marie-Antoinette : bracelets de diamants
La description des bracelets vient d'être mise en ligne. Nous resterons attentifs aux éventuelles modifications ou aux compléments d'information.
Je cite donc...
Old-cut diamonds, silver and yellow gold, circa 1776, fitted blue velvet case
Size/Dimensions: 18.7 cm each
Gross weight: 97 grams
Provenance :
Queen Marie-Antoinette of France (1755-1793)
Madame Royale, Duchess of Angoulême (1778-1851)
Louise of Artois, Duchess of Parma and Piacenza (1819-1864)
Robert I, Duke of Parma (1848-1907)
Thence by descent
Lot Essay
Marie Antoinette (1755–1793), the last Queen of France, needs no introduction. Her style defines the unique aesthetics of Versailles: opulent and regal, yet youthful and romantic. A tastemaker extraordinaire, then and now.
It is well documented in history that the Queen meticulously wrapped her jewels in cotton herself, intending them for safekeeping outside of revolutionary France. Many of the jewels did not resurface until centuries later.
From this collection is a pair of marvellously beautiful diamond bracelets, kept within the royal descendance for over 200 years. Their royal provenance is impeccable; not only is their line of heritage unbroken and traceable from 1776 onwards, but the bracelets have been featured in two famous historic paintings.
These bracelets travelled through time to recount a most important era of French history, with its glamour, glory and drama. It is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for me to handle a set of jewels of such beauty, provenance and significance. For a collector to own them would be a true privilege.
François Curiel
Chairman, Christie's Europe
1776: Marie Antoinette had been Queen for two years and was intending to enjoy her life and reign as the queen of elegance and style. She could not resist jewellery – especially diamonds. Her mother, Empress Maria Theresa of Austria (1717–1780), prompted by regular reports on her daughter’s life at the French court from the Austrian ambassador to France, Count Mercy-Argenteau, often lectured Marie Antoinette about her extravagant spending. In a letter dated 2 September 1776, Empress Maria Theresa wrote, ‘The news from Paris tells me that you have just performed a purchase of bracelets for 250,000 livres and to that effect, you have unsettled your finances.’
Maternal admonishments aside, 250,000 livres was indeed a large sum of money at the time. A recent discovery in the French National Archives gives the identity of the jeweller who created these bracelets.
Although she had received a huge amount of jewellery as wedding presents, both from her mother Empress Marie Thérèse and from King Louis XV of France, Marie Antoinette still adored purchasing new pieces. In 1776 she made two major additions to her collection.
First came a spectacular pair of diamond girandoles earrings. Each of them was made of big round diamond from which three pendants were attached. They were bought from Charles-Auguste Boehmer, a German jeweller of French protestant background who had recently moved to Paris. The initial price was around 500,000 livres, but the Queen argued that she could replace the central diamonds with two diamonds from her own collection.
Therefore the price was reduced to 348,000 livres. The Queen paid 48,000 livres and explained that she would pay the remaining 300,000 livres using money from her savings during the next three or four years.
Later in 1776, Marie Antoinette could not resist a pair of diamonds bracelets. Count Mercy Argenteau, Austrian ambassador to the French court, mentions in one his letters to empress Marie Thérèse that the the queen had to give some of her own diamonds at a very low price, in order to settle the first payment on the bracelets, but he does not mention the name of jeweller. The clue is given by King Louis XVI one year later.
Louis XVI was a man of very regular habits who liked to keep his personal accounts in perfect order. His accounting books are kept in the National Archives in Paris. At the end of 1776, he stepped in for the Queen, who had not been able to pay the 300,000 livres still due for the diamond earrings. It took him six years to settle the debt and the first payment was of 24,625 livres. In february 1777, the King mentions a sum of 29,000 livres given to the Queen as a down payment "for the 162,660 she still owes to Boehmer for the diamond bracelets".
Charles Auguste Boehmer was Marie Antoinette's personal appointed jeweller (in opposition with Ange-Jospeh Aubert who was the official crown jeweller). He was famously associated with Paul Bassange in the famous diamond necklace affair in 1784 / 85.
Queen Marie Antoinette of France and two of her Children Walking in The Park of Trianon
Adolf Ulrik Wertmüller
Oil on canvas, signed, 1785
Image : Nationalmuseum Se
In a 1785 portrait of Marie Antoinette by Adolf Ulrich Wertmuller, now located in the Nationalmuseum in Stockholm, we see a depiction of the Queen wearing the bracelets, possibly joined together as a chatelaine, in the Gardens of the Petit Trianon with two of her children, including a young Madame Royale.
By Vincent Meylan
Count Mercy-Argenteau was the ambassador of the Austrian Empire to France from 1770 to 1790. Under the instructions of Empress Maria Theresa of Austria, Mercy-Argenteau kept a close eye on her daughter Marie Antoinette, who, in 1770, was about to become the Dauphine of France and subsequently the Queen.
During that time, he developed a fondness for Marie Antoinette and considered it his duty to help and protect her. While stationed in Brussels after the outbreak of the French Revolution, he received, on 11 January 1791, a letter from the Queen – then a prisoner in the Tuileries Palace in Paris – announcing that a wooden chest would be sent to him for safekeeping.
Smuggling anything out of France was a dangerous venture at the time and the chest finally arrived in Brussels on 7 March 1791. Mercy-Argenteau stored it unopened and safe for the next couple of years.
On 16 October 1793, Marie Antoinette was guillotined after an excruciating trial. In February 1794, Emperor Francis II of Austria ordered the chest be opened in Brussels and an inventory be made before sending the contents to his Vienna court. It was an emotional moment for Mercy-Argenteau : under layer upon layer of stuffing pads, inside the wooden chest was the late Queen of France’s most valuable property. On the top, an inventory list of ‘pearls, ornaments and settings, diamonds and other gemstones’.
The detailed inventory list, signed by Count Mercy-Argenteau, Archduke Charles of Austria and Baron de Mueller, which is now kept in the Austrian National Archives, read ‘Item no. 6 – A pair of bracelets where three diamonds, with the biggest set in the middle, form two barrettes; the two barrettes serve as clasps, each comprising four diamonds and 96 collet-set diamonds’.
The contents of the wooden chest were sent to the Imperial Treasury in Vienna, where it was kept safe for its legitimate owner – the surviving daughter and sole heir of Marie Antoinette, Madame Royale, Duchesse of Angoulême (1778–1851). She received these jewels in January 1796 upon her arrival in Austria, as recorded in the letters she sent to her cousin, Emperor Francis II.
‘Never before, in my 30 years working as a jewellery historian, have I seen a piece of jewellery made with diamonds which used to belong to Marie Antoinette, and still set in the exact same design as mentioned in the inventory of the jewels sent by Queen Marie Antoinette to Brussels in 1791.’
– Vincent Meylan
Madame Royale had a difficult life, but she always held a profound admiration and respect for her parents. In this portrait by Gros, painted in 1816, she is wearing a pair of diamond bracelets consistent with the Brussels inventory. Upon a closer look, the bracelet on the right hand shows four diamonds on the clasp and the bracelets have three strands, supposedly comprising 96 collet-set diamonds.
Marie-Thérèse-Charlotte de France, duchesse d'Angoulême
Jean-Antoine Gros
Huile sur toile, vers 1816
Image : Château de Versailles, Dist. RMN / Christophe Fouin
Kept in the royal descent of Marie Antoinette Madame Royale died childless on 19 October 1851. In her original will, dated 1 July 1851, the entirety of her jewellery collection – including Marie Antoinette's jewels – was to be split in three lots of similar value, bequeathed to her three nieces and nephews: the Count of Chambord, the Countess of Chambord and the Duchess of Parma. In the 1852 inventory of Madame Royale’s property, the total estimated value of the jewels was 430,930 florins.
The pair of bracelets was subsequently listed in the December 1860 will of the Duchess of Parma (1819–1864) amongst the jewels bequeathed to her son, Duke Robert of Parma (1848–1907), citing its provenance from Marie Antoinette. The bracelets were again mentioned with this royal provenance in the penultimate line of the inventory, illustrated overleaf, after the death of the Duchess of Parma in March 1864.
In the illustrated inventory of the jewels belonging to Duke Robert of Parma, dated 1907, the bracelets were photographed and listed with the Marie Antoinette provenance – confirming that the bracelets had been kept within the family for over a century.
Archival image of the pair of diamond bracelets from the inventory of the Duke Robert of Parma's property
Image : Austrian State Archive / Vincent Meylan
‘The provenance of those bracelets goes from Marie-Antoinette, who bought them from her jeweller Boehmer, to the Bourbon Parma family through Madame Royale. Each step of the journey is documented by papers I found in the French and Austrian archives. They provide a unique and moving glimpse into two centuries of Royal European history.’
– Vincent Meylan
Vincent Meylan is French journalist, historian and author. During the last three years he has conducted extensive researchs in private and public archives in France and Austria to prepare his next book The Queen's jewels, the legend of Marie Antoinette's diamonds which will be published in French and English in 2022.
* Source texte, images, et infos complémentaires : Christie's Genève - Geneva Magnificent Jewels (9 November 2021)
Je cite donc...
Old-cut diamonds, silver and yellow gold, circa 1776, fitted blue velvet case
Size/Dimensions: 18.7 cm each
Gross weight: 97 grams
Provenance :
Queen Marie-Antoinette of France (1755-1793)
Madame Royale, Duchess of Angoulême (1778-1851)
Louise of Artois, Duchess of Parma and Piacenza (1819-1864)
Robert I, Duke of Parma (1848-1907)
Thence by descent
Lot Essay
Marie Antoinette (1755–1793), the last Queen of France, needs no introduction. Her style defines the unique aesthetics of Versailles: opulent and regal, yet youthful and romantic. A tastemaker extraordinaire, then and now.
It is well documented in history that the Queen meticulously wrapped her jewels in cotton herself, intending them for safekeeping outside of revolutionary France. Many of the jewels did not resurface until centuries later.
From this collection is a pair of marvellously beautiful diamond bracelets, kept within the royal descendance for over 200 years. Their royal provenance is impeccable; not only is their line of heritage unbroken and traceable from 1776 onwards, but the bracelets have been featured in two famous historic paintings.
These bracelets travelled through time to recount a most important era of French history, with its glamour, glory and drama. It is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for me to handle a set of jewels of such beauty, provenance and significance. For a collector to own them would be a true privilege.
François Curiel
Chairman, Christie's Europe
1776: Marie Antoinette had been Queen for two years and was intending to enjoy her life and reign as the queen of elegance and style. She could not resist jewellery – especially diamonds. Her mother, Empress Maria Theresa of Austria (1717–1780), prompted by regular reports on her daughter’s life at the French court from the Austrian ambassador to France, Count Mercy-Argenteau, often lectured Marie Antoinette about her extravagant spending. In a letter dated 2 September 1776, Empress Maria Theresa wrote, ‘The news from Paris tells me that you have just performed a purchase of bracelets for 250,000 livres and to that effect, you have unsettled your finances.’
Maternal admonishments aside, 250,000 livres was indeed a large sum of money at the time. A recent discovery in the French National Archives gives the identity of the jeweller who created these bracelets.
Although she had received a huge amount of jewellery as wedding presents, both from her mother Empress Marie Thérèse and from King Louis XV of France, Marie Antoinette still adored purchasing new pieces. In 1776 she made two major additions to her collection.
First came a spectacular pair of diamond girandoles earrings. Each of them was made of big round diamond from which three pendants were attached. They were bought from Charles-Auguste Boehmer, a German jeweller of French protestant background who had recently moved to Paris. The initial price was around 500,000 livres, but the Queen argued that she could replace the central diamonds with two diamonds from her own collection.
Therefore the price was reduced to 348,000 livres. The Queen paid 48,000 livres and explained that she would pay the remaining 300,000 livres using money from her savings during the next three or four years.
Later in 1776, Marie Antoinette could not resist a pair of diamonds bracelets. Count Mercy Argenteau, Austrian ambassador to the French court, mentions in one his letters to empress Marie Thérèse that the the queen had to give some of her own diamonds at a very low price, in order to settle the first payment on the bracelets, but he does not mention the name of jeweller. The clue is given by King Louis XVI one year later.
Louis XVI was a man of very regular habits who liked to keep his personal accounts in perfect order. His accounting books are kept in the National Archives in Paris. At the end of 1776, he stepped in for the Queen, who had not been able to pay the 300,000 livres still due for the diamond earrings. It took him six years to settle the debt and the first payment was of 24,625 livres. In february 1777, the King mentions a sum of 29,000 livres given to the Queen as a down payment "for the 162,660 she still owes to Boehmer for the diamond bracelets".
Charles Auguste Boehmer was Marie Antoinette's personal appointed jeweller (in opposition with Ange-Jospeh Aubert who was the official crown jeweller). He was famously associated with Paul Bassange in the famous diamond necklace affair in 1784 / 85.
Queen Marie Antoinette of France and two of her Children Walking in The Park of Trianon
Adolf Ulrik Wertmüller
Oil on canvas, signed, 1785
Image : Nationalmuseum Se
In a 1785 portrait of Marie Antoinette by Adolf Ulrich Wertmuller, now located in the Nationalmuseum in Stockholm, we see a depiction of the Queen wearing the bracelets, possibly joined together as a chatelaine, in the Gardens of the Petit Trianon with two of her children, including a young Madame Royale.
By Vincent Meylan
Count Mercy-Argenteau was the ambassador of the Austrian Empire to France from 1770 to 1790. Under the instructions of Empress Maria Theresa of Austria, Mercy-Argenteau kept a close eye on her daughter Marie Antoinette, who, in 1770, was about to become the Dauphine of France and subsequently the Queen.
During that time, he developed a fondness for Marie Antoinette and considered it his duty to help and protect her. While stationed in Brussels after the outbreak of the French Revolution, he received, on 11 January 1791, a letter from the Queen – then a prisoner in the Tuileries Palace in Paris – announcing that a wooden chest would be sent to him for safekeeping.
Smuggling anything out of France was a dangerous venture at the time and the chest finally arrived in Brussels on 7 March 1791. Mercy-Argenteau stored it unopened and safe for the next couple of years.
On 16 October 1793, Marie Antoinette was guillotined after an excruciating trial. In February 1794, Emperor Francis II of Austria ordered the chest be opened in Brussels and an inventory be made before sending the contents to his Vienna court. It was an emotional moment for Mercy-Argenteau : under layer upon layer of stuffing pads, inside the wooden chest was the late Queen of France’s most valuable property. On the top, an inventory list of ‘pearls, ornaments and settings, diamonds and other gemstones’.
The detailed inventory list, signed by Count Mercy-Argenteau, Archduke Charles of Austria and Baron de Mueller, which is now kept in the Austrian National Archives, read ‘Item no. 6 – A pair of bracelets where three diamonds, with the biggest set in the middle, form two barrettes; the two barrettes serve as clasps, each comprising four diamonds and 96 collet-set diamonds’.
The contents of the wooden chest were sent to the Imperial Treasury in Vienna, where it was kept safe for its legitimate owner – the surviving daughter and sole heir of Marie Antoinette, Madame Royale, Duchesse of Angoulême (1778–1851). She received these jewels in January 1796 upon her arrival in Austria, as recorded in the letters she sent to her cousin, Emperor Francis II.
‘Never before, in my 30 years working as a jewellery historian, have I seen a piece of jewellery made with diamonds which used to belong to Marie Antoinette, and still set in the exact same design as mentioned in the inventory of the jewels sent by Queen Marie Antoinette to Brussels in 1791.’
– Vincent Meylan
Madame Royale had a difficult life, but she always held a profound admiration and respect for her parents. In this portrait by Gros, painted in 1816, she is wearing a pair of diamond bracelets consistent with the Brussels inventory. Upon a closer look, the bracelet on the right hand shows four diamonds on the clasp and the bracelets have three strands, supposedly comprising 96 collet-set diamonds.
Marie-Thérèse-Charlotte de France, duchesse d'Angoulême
Jean-Antoine Gros
Huile sur toile, vers 1816
Image : Château de Versailles, Dist. RMN / Christophe Fouin
Kept in the royal descent of Marie Antoinette Madame Royale died childless on 19 October 1851. In her original will, dated 1 July 1851, the entirety of her jewellery collection – including Marie Antoinette's jewels – was to be split in three lots of similar value, bequeathed to her three nieces and nephews: the Count of Chambord, the Countess of Chambord and the Duchess of Parma. In the 1852 inventory of Madame Royale’s property, the total estimated value of the jewels was 430,930 florins.
The pair of bracelets was subsequently listed in the December 1860 will of the Duchess of Parma (1819–1864) amongst the jewels bequeathed to her son, Duke Robert of Parma (1848–1907), citing its provenance from Marie Antoinette. The bracelets were again mentioned with this royal provenance in the penultimate line of the inventory, illustrated overleaf, after the death of the Duchess of Parma in March 1864.
In the illustrated inventory of the jewels belonging to Duke Robert of Parma, dated 1907, the bracelets were photographed and listed with the Marie Antoinette provenance – confirming that the bracelets had been kept within the family for over a century.
Archival image of the pair of diamond bracelets from the inventory of the Duke Robert of Parma's property
Image : Austrian State Archive / Vincent Meylan
‘The provenance of those bracelets goes from Marie-Antoinette, who bought them from her jeweller Boehmer, to the Bourbon Parma family through Madame Royale. Each step of the journey is documented by papers I found in the French and Austrian archives. They provide a unique and moving glimpse into two centuries of Royal European history.’
– Vincent Meylan
Vincent Meylan is French journalist, historian and author. During the last three years he has conducted extensive researchs in private and public archives in France and Austria to prepare his next book The Queen's jewels, the legend of Marie Antoinette's diamonds which will be published in French and English in 2022.
* Source texte, images, et infos complémentaires : Christie's Genève - Geneva Magnificent Jewels (9 November 2021)
La nuit, la neige- Messages : 18021
Date d'inscription : 21/12/2013
Re: Bijoux de Marie-Antoinette : bracelets de diamants
Merci beaucoup pour les belles images.
Les deux barrettes de fermetures auraient-elles été changées ou complétées ? 4 diamants à l'origine, 5 aujourd'hui.
Les deux barrettes de fermetures auraient-elles été changées ou complétées ? 4 diamants à l'origine, 5 aujourd'hui.
« La mode est à la France ce que les mines du Pérou sont à l'Espagne » Colbert.
Marie-Jeanne- Messages : 1496
Date d'inscription : 16/09/2018
Re: Bijoux de Marie-Antoinette : bracelets de diamants
Vous avez raison. Pas d'information à ce sujet pour l'instant...
La nuit, la neige- Messages : 18021
Date d'inscription : 21/12/2013
Re: Bijoux de Marie-Antoinette : bracelets de diamants
Je reviens sur un extrait de la présentation au catalogue de ces deux bracelets afin d'utiliser notre Convertisseur de monnaies d'Ancien Régime.
Les montants, convertis en Euros actuels, seront annotés en bleu. J'arrondis à la dizaine de milliers d'euros près, ne chipotons pas !
Her mother, Empress Maria Theresa of Austria (1717–1780), prompted by regular reports on her daughter’s life at the French court from the Austrian ambassador to France, Count Mercy-Argenteau, often lectured Marie Antoinette about her extravagant spending. In a letter dated 2 September 1776, Empress Maria Theresa wrote, ‘The news from Paris tells me that you have just performed a purchase of bracelets for 250,000 livres (3,9 millions €) and to that effect, you have unsettled your finances.’
In 1776 she made two major additions to her collection. First came a spectacular pair of diamond girandoles earrings. Each of them was made of big round diamond from which three pendants were attached. They were bought from Charles Auguste Boehmer, a German jeweller of French protestant background who had recently moved to Paris. The initial price was around 500,000 livres (7,8 millions €), but the Queen argued that she could replace the central diamonds with two diamonds from her own collection. Therefore the price was reduced to 348,000 livres (5,5 millions €). The Queen paid 48,000 livres (750 000 €) and explained that she would pay the remaining 300,000 livres (4,7 millions €) using money from her savings during the next three or four years.
Later in 1776, Marie Antoinette could not resist a pair of diamonds bracelets. Count Mercy Argenteau, Austrian ambassador to the French court, mentions in one his letters to empress Marie Thérèse that the the queen had to give some of her own diamonds at a very low price, in order to settle the first payment on the bracelets, but he does not mention the name of jeweller.
The clue is given by King Louis XVI one year later. Louis XVI was a man of very regular habits who liked to keep his personal accounts in perfect order. His accounting books are kept in the National Archives in Paris. At the end of 1776, he stepped in for the Queen, who had not been able to pay the 300,000 livres (4,7 millions €) still due for the diamond earrings. It took him six years to settle the debt and the first payment was of 24,625 livres (386 000 €). In february 1777, the King mentions a sum of 29,000 livres (455 000 €) given to the Queen as a down payment " for the 162,660 (2,55 millions €) she still owes to Boehmer for the diamond bracelets ".
Pour info, les experts de la vente ont estimé ces bracelets entre CHF 2,000,000 et CHF 4,000,000 (entre 1,9 millions et 3,8 millions €), hors frais additionnels.
Les diamants ne sont pas un si bon investissement !
Les montants, convertis en Euros actuels, seront annotés en bleu. J'arrondis à la dizaine de milliers d'euros près, ne chipotons pas !
Her mother, Empress Maria Theresa of Austria (1717–1780), prompted by regular reports on her daughter’s life at the French court from the Austrian ambassador to France, Count Mercy-Argenteau, often lectured Marie Antoinette about her extravagant spending. In a letter dated 2 September 1776, Empress Maria Theresa wrote, ‘The news from Paris tells me that you have just performed a purchase of bracelets for 250,000 livres (3,9 millions €) and to that effect, you have unsettled your finances.’
In 1776 she made two major additions to her collection. First came a spectacular pair of diamond girandoles earrings. Each of them was made of big round diamond from which three pendants were attached. They were bought from Charles Auguste Boehmer, a German jeweller of French protestant background who had recently moved to Paris. The initial price was around 500,000 livres (7,8 millions €), but the Queen argued that she could replace the central diamonds with two diamonds from her own collection. Therefore the price was reduced to 348,000 livres (5,5 millions €). The Queen paid 48,000 livres (750 000 €) and explained that she would pay the remaining 300,000 livres (4,7 millions €) using money from her savings during the next three or four years.
Later in 1776, Marie Antoinette could not resist a pair of diamonds bracelets. Count Mercy Argenteau, Austrian ambassador to the French court, mentions in one his letters to empress Marie Thérèse that the the queen had to give some of her own diamonds at a very low price, in order to settle the first payment on the bracelets, but he does not mention the name of jeweller.
The clue is given by King Louis XVI one year later. Louis XVI was a man of very regular habits who liked to keep his personal accounts in perfect order. His accounting books are kept in the National Archives in Paris. At the end of 1776, he stepped in for the Queen, who had not been able to pay the 300,000 livres (4,7 millions €) still due for the diamond earrings. It took him six years to settle the debt and the first payment was of 24,625 livres (386 000 €). In february 1777, the King mentions a sum of 29,000 livres (455 000 €) given to the Queen as a down payment " for the 162,660 (2,55 millions €) she still owes to Boehmer for the diamond bracelets ".
Pour info, les experts de la vente ont estimé ces bracelets entre CHF 2,000,000 et CHF 4,000,000 (entre 1,9 millions et 3,8 millions €), hors frais additionnels.
Les diamants ne sont pas un si bon investissement !
La nuit, la neige- Messages : 18021
Date d'inscription : 21/12/2013
Re: Bijoux de Marie-Antoinette : bracelets de diamants
Voici la vidéo de " promo " des bracelets qui seront vendus, le 9 novembre prochain, à Genève. Magnifique accent français de l'orateur !
J'en ai profité pour faire quelques captures d'écran des pierres en gros plan, mais je serais bien incapable de dire si des brillants ont été remontés plus tardivement (au nombre présumé de 5, selon un article cité page 1 de ce sujet) ?
Rien de ce genre n'est en tous cas souligné dans le descriptif en ligne de la maison Christie's.
J'en ai profité pour faire quelques captures d'écran des pierres en gros plan, mais je serais bien incapable de dire si des brillants ont été remontés plus tardivement (au nombre présumé de 5, selon un article cité page 1 de ce sujet) ?
Rien de ce genre n'est en tous cas souligné dans le descriptif en ligne de la maison Christie's.
La nuit, la neige- Messages : 18021
Date d'inscription : 21/12/2013
Gouverneur Morris- Messages : 11617
Date d'inscription : 21/12/2013
Gouverneur Morris- Messages : 11617
Date d'inscription : 21/12/2013
Re: Bijoux de Marie-Antoinette : bracelets de diamants
Le lot de 2 bracelets aux 112 diamants de Marie-Antoinette a été adjugé aujourd'hui pour plus de 7 millions d'euros commission incluse à Genève (7,5 millions CHF commission incluse).
Duc d'Ostrogothie- Messages : 3203
Date d'inscription : 04/11/2017
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